This last week, I was speaking to a lady who seemed to think that - TopicsExpress


This last week, I was speaking to a lady who seemed to think that the only way to make her business and life fulfilling was to leave the country and go over to Cambodia and save the world out there. This was a woman with an incredible ability (from what she said) to help others build successful businesses pretty quickly as well as create businesses for herself. She was disillusioned with the state of affairs and felt there was absolutely no way to build a business from a place of support and love. To her, it felt like it was all competition and horrid battling to be the best. Is that how you feel inside? Do you feel that you would have to become someone horrid, someone disgusting, someone power-crazy in order to succeed in life & in your business? Do you feel that the only way to help people is to go to some third world country? Do you feel you must give up everything in order to be happy and fulfilled? What if that is a lie? What if you have been conditioned to think that way? What if the only sacrifice you need to make concerns your fixed mindset, your fixed ideas, your old thinking? What if that sacrifice enables you to be the difference you want to see, right here in your own household, your own community? Everyday, I come face to face with my limiting beliefs, my poor old me thinking and I am learning that I know less than I thought I did. I thought you had to go to school, then college, then pass exams, then go to University and study a vocational degree and then get a job where you made a decent living and then you would be happy. And if you were not happy, then you just put up with it in the week and enjoyed your evenings and weekends... and that was as good as life was going to get so I had to be happy with it. I decided to break loose... I thought you had to be given money by your relatives when you were young so that when you were older, you paid them back by giving them money whenever they asked - In fact, your love was measured in how much money you gave and how obedient you were to their every whim. I decided not to play anymore... I thought you had to dampen yourself down when writing on your blog, your Facebook page. I thought you had to become smaller online so as not to offend potential clients. I thought that you could not tell people what you really thought especially when speaking with clients and so I tried to make them happy instead of serving them fiercely and lovingly. I decided to speak right from my heart and change their lives instead... What lies are you believing? And how can you turn it around? It is time to make your one day dreams begin today. It is time to create the life you want and stop living the one you dont. Are you ready?
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 09:44:00 +0000

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