This last week has been unforgettable. We have tried for weeks to - TopicsExpress


This last week has been unforgettable. We have tried for weeks to get someone to fix our roof. It was steep, and no one wanted to do it. With winter coming, we were so worried about the rains, snow, etc. Then Sunday morning Rich heard something outside, and there was a man on the roof. Rich said he was running around on the roof like a spider monkey. He shingled, tarred, glued, and fixed the roof. When he finished, Rich asked him how much we owed him. He said nothing. Rich said, I have to give you something. He said no. No money required. Thank you Mr. King. You are an excellent man. Thats what I call going to church on a Sunday morning. God is so good. Slept in yesterday, then went to Oxford for Rich to see the doc, back to Clarksdale to get his meds, then junking, our favorite past time. Even found two old wicker chairs for 3 dollars apiece. I thank God for the beautiful weather he has given us before Rich begins Chemo again. I have had to do wet to dry dressings on his foot daily, and it is healing beautifully. Annie, our big fur baby, was run over two days ago. The man was nice enough to knock on our door and tell Rich he hit her, and how sorry he was. Rich limped outside and found her under our neighbors house. He coaxed her out (dragging herself), and when he tried to pick her up (which he shouldnt have done because of recent surgery), she bit him in the face. She was very hurt, and very scared. He sat with her for a long time, then came home to call me. When I got home she was laying in our neighbors yard. I loved on her and took her a plate of macaroni and cheese. She ate with great gusto and my heart soared a little. I came home, sat down to figure out how to get this moose back home, up the steps and in the house, and it came to me to take the rug she loves to sleep on to her. I was going to lay it beside her, hope she got on it, and drag her home. I hope none of my neighbors saw me dragging a large rolled up rug down the street. In the meantime, Rich is finding a blow up mattress to stay outside all night with her if we cant get her home. I sat with her a few minutes after I laid the rug down. I turned to leave her to give her the chance to get on it, and I turned and looked back. She was standing and gave me this look Ill never forget - it was soulful, a mixture of fear, comfort that I was there, and such glorious determination. I told her you can do this Annie - youre Mamas good girl. She began to walk forward. I kept going, turning around to encourage her ever so often. When we got to our steps she gave me another look, like I cant do this. I encouraged her again, we exchanged that glance, and with great difficulty, she climbed the stairs and came into the house. She is such a wondrous creature. She is bruised, battered and so hurt, but she has grit. Although she could barely move, she got up with great effort when it was time for her to go outside to do her business. She has progressed each day, but it is going to be a long road. Richs and my love for each other extends to the fragile, the broken, the lonely, and the brave. We feel their pain and their joy. We will make these blue sky days the best ever, and have wonderful memories of them when he wins this battle. We will do it together. Good food, good music, wonderful movies, long conversations, amazing friends and family, a love of the same things - who could possibly ask for more. Our cup runneth over. May God richly bless each and everyone of you, and once again, please remember Rich in your prayers - along with all others who are going through lifes trials and tribulations. Peace and love.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 19:10:27 +0000

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