This letter was posted earlier today at azbilliards - its - TopicsExpress


This letter was posted earlier today at azbilliards - its certainly entertaining!!! Thanks, FLASH this is a classic and actually made me laugh out loud......thanks, my friend, and also, good luck with your tomatoes. A few months ago I bought Wileys disc on TOI. Not on blind faith but because I had in the past seen top action players using what appeared to be the exact same thing. I am an old man...75 years old and have been playing since I was 15. My eyes are still 20/20, my blood pressure is 120/80, and I am not fat. That takes care of all the physical stuff...and my nerves are still good. I always said I play just as bad in practice as I do in a match...I dont worry about any pressure. I do not subscribe to the positive thinking stuff...the balls do not care how positive I am...they merely react. I do exactly the thinking to myself...oh well it looks like Im going to dog this shot too. ...wham! the ball goes in the hole. I get a positive outcome by assuming a negative result. You can stand in front of a mirror all day long with a big smile repeating affirmations about how great you play and the balls will bring you back to reality before you can spit. Now that is what WORKS FOR ME...each person must decide on their own about all the mental aspects. All I wanted with this purchase was a way that was REPEATABLE...OVER AND OVER AGAIN WITHOUT DOING ANY ESTIMATING about is this a 1/4 ball, a half ball, a 9/16 ball, a 13/16 ball, etc etc etc. A tool that would provide consistency and nothing more.....consistency can scare the pants off a very good player. this old sonova***** just keeps on making balls...he wont dog. Being a natural born skeptic, I wanted to give this TOI thing a tough test. First, I put my Predator stick away and went to Walmart. I bought the cheapest piece of crap they had...with all kinds of dragons painted on it, but it was pretty straight and has some kind of metal joint. Then I sawed off the ferrule and sanded the end. Next, with no ferrule at all, I took some JB Weld and glued a tip right on the end of the wood shaft. Then I took a butcher knife and whacked all kind of dents, rough spots, and digs, into the shaft. Then I painted the entire thing flat black. Its the ugliest thing you ever saw. My reasoning behind this was that I figured if I could get a new aiming system down with a piece of junk like this...then when I picked up my Predator after a few months of training, shooting would be a lead pipe cinch. I am happy to say after about 60 days of DAMN HARD WORK (for me anyway) that the experiment has paid off. The old junk stick is now being used as a tomato stake in my garden and the old reliable Predator sends them balls in like they had eyes thanks to the TOI idea. The experiment and my natural curiosity paid off. I just robbed every shooter at the old folks home and at the hell-hole juke joints within 5 miles of the place with no hassles or tough guy stuff from beer guzzlers. They just assume that old guy is crazy but he shoots pretty good Life is good and pool shooting with this TOI is a coooooooool breeeeeeze, like Chuck Berry said in his old song...You Cant Catch Me So let it be written, so let it be done... Flash.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 23:37:24 +0000

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