This link will give you information on the end time appearance of - TopicsExpress


This link will give you information on the end time appearance of the anti Christ. I believe that the anti Christ will come out of the East and not the west. I believe the false prophet MAY come out of the one world church (the separated brethren returning to Rome to form that church). but not the anti Christ. God will always preserve A REMNANT ( a small part of the PROFESSING church not the POSSESSING church) of true believers who will not bow for any reason for the cause of compromise and in order to form this one world church. Many are called but FEW are Chosen (the remnant) By their fruits ye shall know them Do they live a consistent Christian life uncompromising with the world, the flesh and the devil. Are their interests centered ABOVE or are they like the rest of the world centered on things below. Better make sure which side of the fence you are on. Choose ye this day whom ye will serve Try the spirits dont take the word of any man (or woman including me) unless their opinion measures up to the word of God. The bible. Get into a church that is VERY strong on teaching the BIBLE. So many today have a form of Godliness but deny the power thereof. Our opinions are not important .Gods word, found in the bible. is the only opinion that counts. Beware of anyone who feels they have the whole truth and no one else has it. Joel Richardson The Messiah is about to appear!:
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 13:53:27 +0000

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