This list was compiled by several people over the last two years - TopicsExpress


This list was compiled by several people over the last two years and is meant for the voters of the Village of Central Lake. ISSUES for the CLVC to PLEASE EXPLAIN to the PUBLIC (References for each issue included) 1. Violation, weakness and serious risks in most recent village financial audit Please review documents at the State of Michigan, Treasury department website: 2. Village office hours inconsistent Please review the village Facebook page for multiple closure and hour changes 3. Not allowing the public to apply for the new village administrator position. Please review CLVC meeting minutes and CLN YouTube video for May 2013 4. $20,000 salary & benefits increase for village administrator position, Public Safety and DPW budgets cut to accommodate unbudgeted increase for village administrator position Please review CLVC meeting minutes and CLN YouTube video for May 2013 5. “Blight House” intercepted by Village Council to secure a purchase for the First Congressional Church instead of allowing it to go to public tax sale or taking bids if the first right of refusal was exercised. This started during the May 2013 Village Council Meeting and is reflected in the Village Council Meeting Minutes, the last reflection of this decision is shown in the December 2013 CLVC Meeting Minutes. 6. Sidewalks ripped out without any prior notice to residents until after it was done. Please review May 2013 and June 2013 CLVC Meeting Minutes, the August 2013 Meeting Minutes reflect members of the public stating their concerns as does the CL News YouTube video for August and September 2013. 7. Questionable sale of a DPW Truck to the public. At the August 2014 CLVC meeting councilman Joe Bodley mentions he has friends interested in it buying it, this gives the appearance of an inside deal in light of the almost immediate sale of the truck after council approved to not put it out for bid. Common practice is to take bids on items sold to the public. Please reference the August 2014 CLVC Meeting video on the CLN YouTube Channel and the Central Lake Village Council’s Facebook page specifically regarding their sales post made on August 22, 2014. 8. Unprofessional communications consistently originating from the village president Please review CLN YouTube Village Council, Chamber of Commerce and School Board meetings online. 9. Phone line disconnected to Thurston Park campground without notification to residents, campers or general public The phone number is still listed in the new phone books (Central Lake Village, Thurston Park) but when dialed 544-6854 it says disconnected 10. $23,000 Bike Path to Nowhere Please review the September 2013 CLVC meeting minutes 11. No committee reports in village council meeting minutes starting in October 2013. 12. Public comment asking for resignation of the village president not included in meeting minutes Please review CLVC meeting minutes for October 2014 13. Potential risk of Thurston Park grant due to fact that village does not own the boardwalk property, attention to this issue delivered to council in person by local attorney Please review CLN YouTube video for May 2014 14. Error in tax bills results in duplicate mailing costs of staff time, materials, and postage to the village in July 2014 15. $1000 extra in President’s Salary listed on the current budget, increases in officials pay need to be approved by ordinance Please review MCL. 64.21 ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS: What happened to the ball park grant as mentioned in the January 2013 President Report? Why was the Chamber of Commerce singled out to comply with the new event permit policy but other organizations in town were not notified of the new process equally? Why does the web site still have missing information, broken links, etc? Why has the communications chairperson changed so many times? Where is the motion and approval for the council to use Iron Keep for purchasing back up computers? Where is the communications and social media policy for the Village posted? Are we paying the village administrator to work on weekends and make posts to Facebook?
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 15:51:51 +0000

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