“This makes absolutely no sense.” Preacher’s angry face was - TopicsExpress


“This makes absolutely no sense.” Preacher’s angry face was shown on the nightly news. “You take a little girl; a thirteen year old little girl and you abuse her, then you kidnap her. You abuse her and kidnap her in front of her family and in front of her friends. And then you detain her?” He asked of the mystical nobody. “First you tase the child. Then you leave her on the ground, in the rain. And then you whisk her off to the station to be asked a question.” He was angry and sounding every bit like a budding Malcolm X. “And all the while, mind you, her mother is standing there being ignored, while the community stands there, in the pouring rain, and watches as this goes on. You can’t tell me this would’ve happened in a middle-class community. In the suburbs little Laura would never’ve been treated like this. Yet, you come into our community and you kidnap our children and then dare us to say anything about it! This is not war and you don’t treat us like POW’s where you apprehend and then ask questions later.” He went on, “If you have questions, then you ask them. You’re entitled to that. But why is it fitting to place one of our children in a cage, just so you can talk to them? Can they not make sense of the English language without being shackled with fetters and shot with Tasers? Show me just one time, just one time, where anything even remotely similar has ever occurred in suburban America. Police in the suburbs have probably never even used their Tasers, let alone approached with a weapon drawn. And God forbid should any 13 year old child, in suburban America, be tased and tossed in a cage without having committed any crime whatsoever.” He continued, “That girl today was mistreated and abused, not because of the foolish and senseless crime, which took place in this community, but because she didn’t do what the officer said do as soon as he said do it. And that is not acceptable!” Preacher was pointing and jabbing with fierce intent, to add emphasis to his every point. “That officer’s order became more important than the crime which had actually been committed. Now how does that justify force? And what does that say to our people? What? Are you to tell me that obeying an officer is more important than finding a shooter? What is the message here? What are we to learn from this? What’re you tryna tell us? Are you tryna tell us that it’s more important for Blacks to stay in line, than is it to uncover those who threaten a Black life? Is a black life that meaningless? Is a shooting that unimportant? “That officer should be disciplined. Those officers need to answer for this! And I mean now!” He took a breath and shook his head. “They should not be permitted to harass the lives they were sent to protect, not if this is an America where we truly believe that all people are to be treated equal.” He took another breath and smirked disbelief, as he got ready to step away. Leaning back, he paused. “And Merry Christmas, America,” he said. “Merry Christmas from the ghetto.” -Preacher Available now on Kindle Unlimited from Godfather! #oneclickit #amazon #kindleunlimited
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 08:27:55 +0000

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