This makes me crazy..... There is no guarantee chemotherapy will - TopicsExpress


This makes me crazy..... There is no guarantee chemotherapy will work, or that it wont kill her in the process. Tucker is a perfect example of this. The cancer didnt kill him, the chemo did. Would he have died without any treatment? Yes. But, he certainly would not have suffered so dearly. What about alternative treatments? I would be interested to hear if this family has been seeking other alternatives to treatment. That hasnt been reported. Also wondering when her 18th birthday is...because the second she turns 18 she will halt the treatment. If she doesnt finish the set course of treatment that has a success rate in treating her type of cancer, the cancer will come back. No one knows how her body will respond to chemo. Some tolerate it better than others. There is so much in this decision. No stranger in government can just make that decision for her. I would be beside myself as a parent. foxnews/health/2015/01/08/connecticut-supreme-court-upholds-ruling-that-teen-must-undergo-chemo/
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 20:43:36 +0000

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