This man alone has stated as of tonight he is held responsible for - TopicsExpress


This man alone has stated as of tonight he is held responsible for the loss of millions of familys medical coverage in an effort to force them into the ACA written by Nancy Pelosi to give CA residents free medical. I actually have family there; several through in laws too; who get offensive when I mention CA, both working, both getting paid, both getting a collective family support check and food credit card; because Nancy Pelosi feels every family should make over a 100K a year. That is why she forced it and said lets see what falls out. Regardless if she remembered every page; she damn sure remember exactly what it would do for Californians. It would give them the BRONZE package which pays 60% of the bill and tax payers or the recipient the remaining 40%. Except, if your on assistance guess what? You get subsidies to cover that 40% of your part therefore more tax payers money would cover their portions and they would always vote Democratic thus 55 ELECTORAL VOTES or 1/4 of the National Election is already leaned to DEMOCRATS. Folks there is only one way to fight this...FIGHT NANCY PELOSI and what she stands for...her state alone gets 50% of all 50 states assistance--food stamp cards, money checks, free education in state including books, tuition and stipends which are too subsidies from FEDERAL TAX PAYERS US who are above the poverty line which is 53% of all tax payers who make enough to pay 20%, 25%, 26%, 36% federal tax rates. I myself have been in the 26% tax rate FEDERAL alone not including another 8% state. That is 1/3 of all of the money I make goes to make Nancy Pelosi and CA float until the following October. AND, until state legislature is fixed they will always be a half trillion (500 billion in debt to the Federal Govt from jump street). And people wonder why some want the ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTE to go away. It would fix crooked people like Nancy Pelosi who cares nothing about black, red, white, yellow, anyone in 49 other states. All she cares about is California and screw the rest of us. And, the more businesses move out at the rate of 100K people a year; the state will be movie stars with lawyers that keep millions int heir pockets; legal residents who have earned their status through hard work-college-and paying taxes; and then the other unknown amount of millions of illegals who cannot be legally escorted to the border and turned around like in TX, AZ, and other states that OBAMA and the FEDERAL ATTORNEY ARE ATTACKING. PEOPLE WAKE UP, THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT IS THE BIGGEST MISFIT SCREW UP EVER MADE THAT OBAMA HIMSELF TOOK RESPONSIBILITY FOR MILLIONS LOSING THEIR INSURANCE. AT NO TIME DID HE ONCE SAY, I AM DEFERRING THIS DEADLY PROGRAM UNTIL I ASSIGN A TEAM AND CZAR LIKE I DO FOR EVERYTHING ELSE AND SEE IF ITS FIT FOR THE U.S.? HE IS STILL MOVING FORWARD WITH FAKE APOLOGIES AND BROKEN APOLOGIES. HE, NANCY, AND REID NEED TO BE ELECTED OUT OF JOBS, IMPEACHED, AND FIRED. EVERY CONGRESS PERSON NEEDS TO HAVE THEIR PAY DOCKED BY 50% FOR THE LAST YEAR AND PAY IT BACK THIS YEAR IN INCOME TAX AND APPLIED TO OUR DEFICIT. PLEASE FOLKS, SEE THE LIGHT. HE FINALLY APOLOGIZED IN THE WEAKEST MANNER, BUT IDENTIFIED THAT MILLIONS WERE SCREWED AND GRAND FATHERING INSURANCE COMPANIES IS ILLEGAL UNLESS OF COURSE WE GIVE THEM SUCH SUBSIDIES THAT THEY CAN COMMIT MURDER AND GET AWAY WITH IT. OBAMA NEEDS TO BE IMPEACHED AT THIS POINT; NANCY FACE CHARGES FOR MULTIPLE CHARGES RANGING FROM FRAUD, LYING TO CONGRESS AND THE US PEOPLE, TO COLLECTING BRIBES AND ISSUING KICKBACKS IN THE FORM OF FOOD STAMPS, FREE MONEY, AND BENEFITS FOR ELECTORAL VOTES. THE BOTH OF THEM ARE SICK AND ARE DANGEROUS. Obama is trying to force Americans to buy a product they dont want, for a price they cant afford, at a website they cant access!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 04:00:59 +0000

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