This man is a fraud, a liar and as un-Christian as it gets.The - TopicsExpress


This man is a fraud, a liar and as un-Christian as it gets.The following info is from Kerri Bishop. Do any of you remember the e-mail that was going around claiming the ACLU filed suit to have all military cross-shaped headstones removed? It, of course was a huge lie, but of course the rethuglicans/Piss Baggers all believed it to be true because of the big, bad ACLU. Well this asswad was mentioned also and here is an excerpt of that from Also false is the e-mail’s claim that [t]he Navy Chaplains can no longer mention Jesus’ name in prayer thanks to the retched [sic] ACLU and our new administration. Later versions of this e-mail corrected the misspelling of wretched but still mangled the facts about the case of former Navy Chaplain Gordon J. Klingenschmitt, to which the message likely alludes. A favorite of religious conservatives, Klingenschmitt accused his Navy superiors of pushing chaplains to offer generic, nonsectarian prayers. On his Web site, where he now solicits donations, news interviews and speaking engagements, he describes himself as The Navy Chaplain who dared to pray ‘in Jesus’ name’ and says he was court-martialed for praying in Jesus’ name in uniform outside the White House. He accuses the Navy of anti-Jesus persecution of chaplains. Actually, the Navy court-martialed Klingenschmitt for disobeying an order. He appeared – in uniform – with others at a news conference to protest the president’s inaction on his complaints against the Navy. The event was in Lafayette Square, just across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House. Klingenschmitt said he was merely offering a public prayer. The military prosecutor said Klingenschmitt had been ordered not to wear his uniform at media events or political protests, and that the event was not a true worship service. A jury of five officers found him guilty of disobeying a lawful order and punished him with a reprimand and temporary reduction in pay. He left the Navy soon after. Regardless of the merits or demerits of Klingenschmitt’s case, the ACLU had nothing to do with it. ACLU spokesman Will Matthews told us in an exchange of e-mails that the ACLU was never involved in the case of Gordon Klingenschmitt. In our research we’ve uncovered no news accounts that describe any role by the ACLU. Furthermore, Klingenschmitt’s removal from the Navy was not the doing of the new administration, as this e-mail claims. Klingenschmitt’s court-martial took place in 2006. The president who was in the White House, and whose support Klingenschmitt unsuccessfully sought, was George W. Bush.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 00:28:58 +0000

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