This man is my brother in Jesus Christ (i think and hope), but few - TopicsExpress


This man is my brother in Jesus Christ (i think and hope), but few in the body of Christ have thrown more stones at the Spirit-filled Pentecostal/charismatic Christians. He does so based firstly on false assumptions and gross misrepresentations of our beliefs and motives. Secondly he does so (rightly) through actual study and discovery of heretical practices among us. Sadly, he consistantly chooses to point out the unbiblical beliefs and practices of (primarily) a sect or sects that most of us renounce, and that make up (statistically) less than 10% of our number. I ask him and you: Can you point to any sect, group, or denomination within evangelical christianity that does not (also) have its own lunatic fringe? Just because you have study bibles with your name on them and church resources with the same, does not entitle you to be the self-appointed pope of the modern church. This sermon contains facts; heartbreaking truths that need to be exposed, but he reveals these truths with an even more heartbraking attitude of assumption and false judgement of our movement based on the misguided actions of a sad few. Sir, like you, i was once a devoted baptist, and i cherish my baptist fundamentalist heritage, but this sermon is as wrong as i would be if i judged all baptists based on the actions and beliefs of the lunatic God hates fags sign carrying, soldier hating baptist sect in the news of late. Shame on you, may God be merciful to you brother! You have tread heavily upon the most serious issue in Christian life, and one upon the wise would tread cautiously!
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 07:17:30 +0000

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