This map and analysis is from a long-time Republican. He makes a - TopicsExpress


This map and analysis is from a long-time Republican. He makes a very strong argument for his analysis, and I agree with him. The Republican Party has maybe 4-5 election cycles to radically change course and message, and who it appeals to, or it will become as relevant to the political landscape as the Whigs or Anti-Mason Party. Eventually the overwhelmingly old, and white, political base that vote Republican are going to die. And the numbers of young, non-white socially liberal/progressive voters is only going to increase... The Southern Strategy isnt going to win any more elections, the closet racists are dying off. The racial divide isnt going to win elections now, it will start losing them. But I see no indication that the leadership of the GOP has any plans for getting out of bed with the Koch Brothers and their Tea Party minions, or divorcing itself from the religious fundamentalists that think freedom of religion means that they can establish a theocracy and run everyone else off. Perhaps it is best to let the party die. Its not like we cant form a new one. Weve been doing that since the FIRST Republican Party (which was much more closely aligned philosophically with the current Democratic Party) and the Federalists of the 1790s
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 23:10:02 +0000

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