This may be coming from a generation to far into the distant - TopicsExpress


This may be coming from a generation to far into the distant future to understand the feelings of the time, but here it goes: The first stanza Simon refers to darkness as being his old friend that he came to talk with because he was awoken in the middle of the night, of a nightmare that still lingers in his head, that gives his a considerable amount of distress. So bad that the awful visions were still flashing before his eyes as he is awake. Second stanza begins setting the scene in which the dream took place: at night, him walking along the cobblestone road where he stops below the light of a streetlight. The cold chill runs up his back, so he lifts his collar to the cold and damp. Just then, a blight neon sign lit up, showing that he, in fact, was not alone. But there were ten thousand maybe more all gathered in the cold night. The people who are talking, not speaking, are politicians, who are using false words to sway the population to vote for them, never revealing true intentions. The people therefore are hearing are not listening. They are taking these words that are spoken to them in plain value, not examining or putting into depth anything that is said. Because of this, as referred to later, these politicians have formed a government that the people in fact voted for and supported until it began to act as a dictatorship. This seems that Simon is making an inditement to a large government that has taken away the freedoms of its people. A future for America it seemed with the rise of government in world affairs as in entered Vietnam. This future America has given Americans everything, and has the power the take it all away, hence the people bow and pray to the neon god they made. The Silence that is referred to is the silence of the people, afraid to say anything against the government for fear of death or worse. Simon, or whoever has had this dream, tries to bring people to speak out. Saying Fools, you do not know, Silence like a cancer grows that as more are afraid to speak, the more control the government takes and the less anyone will stand up to the new government. As all hope is about to be given up, someone steps up and says to the crowd that the future they will hold has been written on the walls of subways and tenement halls. This is because this form of protest can be done anonymously, therefore no one can get in trouble for it. This begins the whispering in the silence of the people, and starts the beginning of a revolt.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 08:47:24 +0000

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