This may make a few people mad, but thats okay... Ive never been - TopicsExpress


This may make a few people mad, but thats okay... Ive never been one to mind that I irritate people with my opinions and beliefs.... With that said, there has been an OVERLOAD of gossip and hate filling my Facebook feed about the charity organizations, and people that have been helping the people who were affected by the Mothers Day fire... Let me start by saying that it is not ANYONES JOB to replace our homes, belongings, or to give us money to do so... For one reason or another, be it septic issues, coding problems, lack of funds, etc. those of us that were uninsured found ourselves in a really crappy situation... However, we were all very aware that we didnt have the insurance for whatever reason... We made the decision to stay in the uninsured homes, therefore being unprotected from any unfortunate happenstances that might occur... Same thing goes if youre driving around in an uninsured vehicle.... Its a risk, and if you wreck your car, you cant expect someone to just hand over a new ride to take you shopping for pork chops... The blame my dear friends falls on the choice of negligence... And yes, I am included in that group! I knew that our house was uninsured because of the septic tank. I knew that replacing it was an impossibility... I CHOSE to stay in that house because it was affordable, and it was my home. My choice was made on my personal decisions, based on my needs and desires, however it was still MY CHOICE and I was FULLY aware of the risks involved. Does it suck? Well crap on a cracker, yes it sucks!! Was it devastating? Of course! But the help that we are receiving is out of the KINDNESS of others!! The loving generosity that people have CHOSE to offer... It is by no means, an entitlement.... So... Before you get mad, angry, jealous, or decide youre going to use your mouth to spread hurtful gossip and say mean things about people and organizations who are trying to HELP, take a few minutes, and use those lips to say a few words of thanks instead... Use those fingers to write out positive posts, or thank you cards instead of mean spirited and hurtful implications... Words hurt people... I know that those of us who suffered are afraid, hurting, and desperate for answers... Its been three months, and the majority of us have no idea what we are going to be doing 6 months from now... But the people who are working to help us are hurting too... They would love to jump in and give every single person everything they need and want... But they cant, nor is it their responsibility to do so... So... Say thank you. Be kind... Everyone you meet is fighting their own battle....
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 22:17:19 +0000

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