This may make you cry, but hopefully tears of joy and happiness - TopicsExpress


This may make you cry, but hopefully tears of joy and happiness for the GIRL whos name means joy and happiness, beautiful Farah. I would like to share all the signs we have seen that point towards her experiencing a good death and insha Allah admittance to Paradise. Number 10 will be the best, and will bring peace to everyones hearts... 1) When I last saw her, she was awake but extremely weak, she lifted her hand and held mine... I held her gently and she then lifted her shahadah finger. Death came to my mind but I quickly forgot about it because I had so much hope that she will be healed. The next time I saw her, she had passed away.. I uncovered her sheets and her shahadah finger was still up. Allahu Akbar. 2) Her face was shattered during her time in intensive care she looked so weak and exhausted but when she died, her face had a slight shine to it, like it was emanating noor subhan Allah. 3) Almost every time I came to see her in the hospital, she would point to the corner of the room and indicate for me to look there. There was nothing really there, I kept asking her, this? that? she would shake her head, as she could not speak. I strongly believe that she may have seen an angel waiting to take her soul to Jannatul firdaws but Allah swt knows best. 4) She had a slight smile, which I have heard, became more apparent after her body was washed before the Janazah. She passed away on a Monday just like the prophet ﷺ. The Monday was also one of the white days of the month. 5) Everything was so swift. She passed away before Fajr and her Janazah was held at the next salah which was Duhr, subhan Allah. The sisters, whilst washing the body told my mother that they had never seen this happen so quickly... normally it takes time before the body is brought to be washed from the time of death. Her burial was very smooth. Many people turned up. The weather was beautiful. The birds flew above us. The atmosphere was very serene & we were blessed to have two of our beloved shaykhs attend the janazah/burial. 6) I have 0 cousins in this country, 0 aunties/uncles, 0 grandparents... All of them are in Iraq, only my immediate family live here... despite all of this, more than 1200+ people attended her funeral, 500 people in the women section alone. People traveled from all over the country, people who did not even know her subhan Allah. 7) I am not joking when I tell you I have received over 1000 messages all over the place of people making dua for Farah, people who have cried, people who have been affected by her.. mainly people who are telling me that Farah is their inspiration.. Farah caused them to reestablish their relationship with their families, she caused them to start praying again, she caused them to come closer to the Deen. Allahu Akbar, Farah done this in her life and also through the blessing of Allah swt, in her death. 8) In Baghdad and Mosul, hundreds of people are paying respects to our families there.. people who have heard Farahs story and never met her.. I have heard that they would be crying their eyes out like she is their own daughter. Subhan Allah. 9) Allah swt put this patience into all of our hearts, especially my parents subhan Allah wallahy it is amazing. We have all accepted that this was written by Allah swt and she is resting now, in a better place alhamdulilah. The Prophet ﷺ said “And whoever remains patient, Allah will make him patient. Nobody can be given a blessing better and greater than patience.” (Bukhari) 10) My sister had stomach cancer. The prophet ﷺ said “He who is killed in the way of Allah is a martyr; he who dies naturally in the Cause of Allah is a martyr; he who dies of plague is a martyr; he who dies of a stomach disease is a martyr; and he who is drowned is a martyr.” [Sahih Muslim]. ALLAHU AKBAR. MY SISTER WAS A SHAHEEDAH biithnilah !!!!!!! TAKBEEER...!!!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 11:47:09 +0000

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