This may seem like a puff piece - the video clip did not really - TopicsExpress


This may seem like a puff piece - the video clip did not really address what I would have hoped. However, this is a really significant social issue with structural roots. Residential segregation rises to the top of the list, but also other forms of acceptable segregation (employment structures, educational structures) that reduce the likelihood of casual contact among relative social equals so that friendship might occur. I am humbled by these findings and as an educator I am struggling for how to discuss this with my students in terms of the (re) production of society and social ills. On a personal note, as an adoptive parent, the discussion of potential trans-racial adoption raised a lot of issues about who my friends are/were and who might play a larger role in my life had my daughter looked different than she does. For me, those questions were much larger than who might join my family but about who is in my life and who is not in my life, and why and how these realities came to be. huffingtonpost/2014/08/29/white-americans-black-friends_n_5733250.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 04:03:14 +0000

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