This may seem like a race baiting statement but I believe if we - TopicsExpress


This may seem like a race baiting statement but I believe if we are to get over this racial hump, we cant be afraid to discuss it. With the recent rioting thats going on in St Louis over the killing of yet another unarmed black teenager I feel it necessary to explain the violent reaction of the people of St. Louis. First of all, this is not a reaction of a single event. Over the past two years, an unarmed black males have been killed by police or vigilantes at the rate of ONCE EVERY 28 HOURS. And everytime blacks try to hold peaceful protests we are called race-baitors and told to shut up. We are reminded of how bad the criminal element of our people are. We are told that although an unarmed black man was murdered, he somehow deserved it. Over the last 395 yrs blacks have tried to peacefully gain the basic freedoms that whites enjoy on a regular basis through peaceful protest, yet it was ALWAYS met with violence. During slavery and the post Antebellum periods of America we were lynched for asking for those freedoms. During the civil rights movement our leaders were assasinated and our peaceful protest was met with hoses billy clubs and police dogs. Now after literally hundreds of unarmed black men are being killed by cops and vigilantes, everytime a story makes it to the press conservatives proceed to vilify the victim and herald the assailant a a great hunter who killed a dangerous and wild beast. Its reminiscent of the old pictures you would see of the proud white men holding guns while standing next to a lynched negro. All we want is freedom from institutionalized persecution and murder. We are faced with possibility of some prejudice bozo killing us in the name of being an American Hero on a daily basis! Yet in the face of said violence you want us to be Peaceful? Is that what your Fore Fathers did when their freedoms were being violated? This is what your fore fathers said about the pursuit of freedom Now, gentlemen, I must say I differ with the keen minds of the South, and with our president, who apparently shares their views, offering that the natural state of mankind is instead -- and I know this is a controversial idea -- is freedom. Is freedom. And the proof is the length to which a man, woman, or child will go to regain it, once taken. He will break loose his chains, He will decimate his enemies. He will try and try and try against all odds, against all prejudices, to get home. ~John Quincy Adams~ My final question is....How many times are we to get our asses beaten? How many times are we to be villified for standing up and saying stop killing us? How many times do you think we are going to allow the press and unjust laws to violate our God given right to live before we decide to return the unjust treatment that has been forced upon us for almost 400 yrs? We are saying...NO MORE! and Id advise the closed minded to listen or perish in your own selfish iniquity.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 21:38:42 +0000

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