This message is for anyone who heard that miracles are coming but - TopicsExpress


This message is for anyone who heard that miracles are coming but somewhere in your mind you thought, probably not for me. You thought because you still have issues and because of your shortcomings maybe a miracle will pass you by. But I am here to tell you Not So! Truth be told no one has earned anything that GOD has given us because we all have sinned and fallen short of HIS glory!! Thank GOD for HIS grace and mercy and that HE is not a respecter of persons (Romans 2:11). If you heard it, it was for you. So just accept that you are eligible for miracles! You are next in line!! Now that you know this, be sure to take the limits off GOD!! Do Not limit the size of the miracles you are looking for because again you think you dont deserve it or you are not worthy of something grand! The size of your miracle is not according to what you have invested or how much you have perfected but it is according to your faith (Matt 9:28-29). If you believe GOD for small you will miss the big miracles HE is trying to give you. Believe GOD first that HE wants to perform miracles for You, Yes You, then take the limits off GOD, recognizing that if HE can part the Red Sea, turn water into wine, resurrect the dead, feed 5,000 with 5 fish and two loaves of bread than surely HE can do exceedingly and abundantly above all you can ask or think (Ephesians 3:20) and You are just the person...say it with me I am just the person that GOD wants to perform miracles for in JESUS Name!! You better get ready for you miracles!! Expect the Great!!! https://youtube/watch?v=4IsabJ9T9JA
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 17:16:07 +0000

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