This message is mainly intended for the O.G. Yog-Sotherists. The - TopicsExpress


This message is mainly intended for the O.G. Yog-Sotherists. The ones who survived the Plattening, and used what you learned from it to bring this fell gathering that we are in into being. The ones who witnessed the Ancient Days of last month, and participated in the dawning of this new era. You arent going to like it. My family and I have spent this summer a few blocks from our house. We have been staying at my parents because our central air went down, and that became a many leveled hell, another baffling ordeal for me to wearily battle through that lasted half a damn year for no good reason. Summer in Florida is not to be trifled with without A.C., the lack of it made my home very uninhabitable. It all worked out O.K., though, my parents spent a lot of time out of town this year, visiting friends and relatives and gaily jollying about, and we were quite useful here taking care of their dog and what have you. Yesterday we got our air running once more, and will be moved back in by the end of the week. This means I will be pretty much offline for the foreseeable future... my Wife is trying to get disability after finally surrendering her career as a pharmacy technician to the onslaught of pain her increasingly bad back inflicts upon her. (She got rear-ended by a ten-wheeler in 2000 and ever since her backs condition has been steadily deteriorating... she had metal surgeried into her neck last Spring, which alleviated the problem somewhat but not nearly enough to restore her back to anything resembling normal function). Until she succeeds in getting some income allotted to her, well... we can pay our house payment, keep food to eat and electricity running, but internet access is not a luxury we can afford, along with, well... pretty much all the other luxuries, really. It has been a truly cool and enlivening experience communicating with the friends I have made through this group and participating in its activities and conversations. I will miss the madness and interesting discussion until such time as we Reynolds can afford access to the web on our own terms, or someone starts a Kickstarter campaign to keep me online for the general embiggenment of the world wide web in general. I love yall members of the Inner Circle you know who you are I better not come back here and find that my absence sucked all the joy and life outta the place, and it withered and died without me CHEERS P.S. I havent left right now thats not what this is like I said, end of the week dont start talking shit about me quite yet Ill let ya know when I am officially departed Ill post something tragic and grim like a picture of a tombstone with my name on it I am sure Google has one of those somewhere
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 20:00:09 +0000

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