This message is to all, dear family and friends, who are concerned - TopicsExpress


This message is to all, dear family and friends, who are concerned about my brother Josephs current situation: I ask for your patience to read our statement We are grateful for the many who have tried to reach out to Joseph extending love, concern, home, resources and assistance. It is easy to see where love begins, but difficult to comprehend when it continues once tolerance ends. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes that hopefully we learn from and not make the same decisions that lead us to our undoing or unpleasant consequences that we have to live with. To all those who helped him leave Hawaii, Philippines, California, Virginia, & Florida: Your intentions were good, but I hope you have learned that we were right. Do you believe us now that his problem is neither geographical nor familial? Maybe now youll let Joseph learn to take care of himself instead of believing that the world owes it to him when he demands. To all who are concerned for him now: I implore you once more to think of what we have been trying to do for the passed 20 years. Many have stepped in throughout Josephs lifetime, telling us that we were wrong in trying to train him as a boy...Well, now we all feel the consequences of his discipline being interrupted with hospitality for him, but condescending judgment of his mother and father. Many have provided their resources. He is a grown man now with plenty of damage trailing behind him. Joseph is delicately fragile yet explosively destructive. Yes, there have been numerous times where we all felt he was finally staying afloat...maybe even thriving, then suddenly he comes crashing down. Losing everything again and again. What happens next? He pleads with those who love him through pity or lies to care for him until he gets his feet back on the matter how long it takes...from weeks to months. My brother has been fortunate in that he has been given so many wonderful opportunities to pick himself up and keep moving along as the rest of the world has to. However, once something has devastated him, he will give everything up again. To all those last to extend your hand to Joseph, we know you are all loving and humane people. You may feel that tolerance of Josephs condition and situation is cruel. Some of you feel that now is the time for his “immediate” family to step forward and help him. Despite the year that has passed, where we thought he was once again moving forward, we had been there for him. Im sorry if you had been led to believe that he received absolutely no assistance from his family. He would convince those after you to believe that you treated him the same. Hence, after years of taking everyones word of advice to provide for Joseph, to relocate him, to help him, we have decided we must stick to what we had said in the beginning. All the human wisdom that was combined to help Joseph has failed. As we had tried in the past, we will stick to Bible principles and this time follow the wisdom from Jehovah God himself. Did not the prodigal son realize his mistakes and return home once he had lived in the mire. Allow my brother to see his life through his humbled eyes. In Canada, the medical is free. We cant provide that. Joseph needs to seek medical attention and get medicated. There is also plenty of government assistance for the homeless especially when they need medical assistance. We cannot change what refuses to be molded. Isnt it time to allow him to see that it is time. It hurts us the most to tell Joseph that he needs to move forward now without our financial help. It is his turn to help himself. If you have looked into Josephs eyes and have seen a good person inside, so have we, time and again, and will continue to do so in the future. As his family, we do believe that Joseph never harbors ill towards anyone, which says a lot. He does have love inside him and when given the opportunity, he would extend the same hospitality and love that has been shown to him by us and all of you. However, that love that is inside him is in a constant struggle with his compulsive tendencies. In the end, its these tendencies that dominate his life. And he does have to understand that the resources of others is limited; their money, time, willpower, and trust. Especially when these are abused. Just as Joseph is a son, brother, nephew, cousin, or friend to all of you and us, never forget that we are also the same to you, and you to us. How detrimental for an entire family to judge one-another throughout many years over the folly of a single one of us. Not only foolish as family members, but most definitely for those of us professing a Christian faith. Please meditate on these scriptures that have constantly echoed in our minds over the years: Proverbs 22:15 Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a boy, but the rod of discipline will remove it far from him. Proverbs 19:18,19 Discipline your son while there is hope, and do not become responsible for his death. The hot tempered man will pay the penalty; if you try to spare him, you will have to do it again and again. Hebrews 12:11 True, no discipline seems for the present to be joyous, but it is painful; yet afterward, it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate. Who can know it? Proverbs 22:1 A good name is to be chosen rather than great wealth, to be respected is better than silver and gold.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 04:59:30 +0000

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