This might be long, but please read...its important. Tonight - TopicsExpress


This might be long, but please read...its important. Tonight goes down as the best evening of 2014 for me, and heres why... You. Every last one of you and your faithful support of my business are the single reason I smile tonight. We just cleaned up and closed up shop at the studio after the Grand Opening celebration. More than 250 (we estimate) people came out to see the new MDP Studio. And, as sappy as I know this will sound, I realized tonight that the people who walked through my studio doors werent just clients, they were friends. It made me so proud to look around the room and think back to sessions Ive had with the different families that were there and to know how I have genuinely come to care about every last one of you. I enjoyed talking and laughing with you all tonight. I enjoyed seeing your amazing (and worlds cutest) kiddos running around the space! I loved your smiles. I loved your hugs. I loved your sincerity as you congratulated me on this next chapter in my business. Im never very far removed from the idea that my business is with people....but sometimes the business of life gets in the way a little and I forget to *appreciate* the fact that my business is with people. Im walking away from today and into tomorrow with a renewed and overwhelming love for what I get to call my job. Some of the stories some of you shared with me tonight have been permanently ingrained in the very safest and special places in my heart. I am truly so incredibly happy tonight. This is exactly what it feels like to be on top of the world....not to be successful, or rolling in money, or own the nicest and biggest everything, and I dont even mean accomplishing your lifes biggest Feeling like youre on top of the world is coming together with, and being connected to, inwardly beautiful people like you. I absolutely adore all of you. I need to say some special thank yous as well real quick. Firstly, to my parents, Rob and Alicia, who have been my fiercest supporters since I came into this world. I love you both! Theres not a thing they wouldnt do for me. They love me more than I probably know and I am thankful every single day that I get to call them mine. To my sister, brother-in-law, nephews and niece (they dont have Facebook but since my business page is public they stalk it occasionally so I know they read this): I love all of you. My life is way better because youre in it. You guys have always been so supportive of me and my sometimes crazy ideas (like putting my oldest nephew in a fish tank for a REALLY cool session). Your help over the last couple of weeks especially has been invaluable! To Diana, youve given up your free time these last couple of weeks in your newly acquired retirement to help me get the studio set up and I am so grateful! I love knowing that someone whos known me my whole life, who is so important to our family, has been part of getting things going! To Aunt Ruth and Uncle Richard, for your support constantly and encouragement to keep chasing my dreams (also for the amazing puppy shaped cookies for the Grand Opening!!) Love you both! To Ralph and Sherry for always being ready to lend a hand and for taking me in as your own. You both are incredible people and I am so lucky to call you friends. Thank YOU, from the very bottom of my heart for sharing, in person or in spirit, this night with me! Your support is so important to me and very much appreciated. I have a lot to be thankful for (again) this Thanksgiving, not the least of which is you, MDP World. Most Sincerely, Melissa ❤️ P.S. My trusty sidekick, Ralph, took some photos tonight of the Grand Opening festivities!!!! Ill get those up in a bit! 😊
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 04:42:09 +0000

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