This might end up being quite long, but here goes. Face book has - TopicsExpress


This might end up being quite long, but here goes. Face book has become the place where people protest about almost everything under the sum. Ill hold my hands up and admit to the odd rant myself, all of which is fair enough. I am how ever struck by the lack of rational argument/debate. We all have a pretty good idea what is wrong, but how do we fix this multitude of ills, most could be fixed by throwing money at them, but where would it come from? Bankers seem to be the usual suggestion, to a point I agree, many get paid obscene amounts, I dont see how they can be said to earn such amounts. Even if you add chief executive officers of some councils, many getting paid several times the salary of the Prime Minister, you wouldnt scratch the surface of what money is needed to put things how we would like to see them. People rant about things like Trident, Ill grant you it is ridiculously expensive, Im sure some savings could be made. But, and this is a big but, it has kept this country safe for a generation, no one will take a pop at us as long as that deterrent is there. I hate nukes, but you cannot dis-invent them. Do you really think Putin would have sent his troops into the Ukraine if the Ukraine still had nukes? I have many Polish friends, indeed a daughter in law is Polish, they all fear they are next. This fear is very real to them. Make no mistake if Putin thought he could get away with it he would be in there like a rat up a drain pipe. Then there is all the quite justifiable fuss over chemicals, principally in agriculture. I grow much of our own fruit and veg, without the aids of chemicals or fertilizer. Boasting a bit, I get exceptional crops, all this off a 40X12 feet main plot and a 20X10 feet small plot. Im proud of what I grow, but hang on a minute, what if everyone tried to do the same, would there be room? I think not, so in that respect Im lucky. Never mind digging up all the lawns and parks, not only isnt there the space, where would our beloved wild life go? It is all well and good me having a wild life meadow and patches for the wildlife, like around the pond, but to have any real benefit these patches need to be joined up, not tiny islands with tiny populations finding a small haven. It all comes down to the basic instinct engrained in all animals, the survival of the species, and man is no different in this respect. Our desire for cheap, readily available food is just part of this, as long as we demand everything be there when we want it things will not change. You, we, demand this cheap source so farmers have to produce things as cheaply and efficiently as they can. The economies of scale being just one factor, again detrimental to the already pressurised environment. So, having mentioned just a tiny fraction of topics for complaints and campaigns what conclusions can be drawn. Firstly there are simply too many people on this earth for them all to have what we here in the U.K. deem a decent standard of living. We are so over crowded on these islands we cannot hope to feed ourselves, so we import much of what we consume, again the specter of as cheap as possible raises its ugly head, usually resulting in poverty [relative to us] in the suppliers country. This over population leads via the cheap as possible to another unhealthy trait of man kind. In order to fulfill our perceived needs we are all in some way are guilty of it, that is greed! Add to that tribalism, for this is another trait of the animal kingdom, defend your tribe and its territory at all costs and you have the mess we are sliding into today. The solution? drastically cut the population, you could argue getting rid of the nukes would probably achieve that, at least in the short term. Being an author I can think of plenty of scenarios leading to that one! No, there is only one solution to it, that is education. Kiddies need to be taught to care and to be responsible about the size of their families. Religious leaders of all kinds, need to get real and see the error of what they preach or in some cases dictate, it can only lead to the ultimate catastrophe if they carry on as they are. Education is also the answer to the greed problem, it also would solve the tribalism. Much of this is born of ignorance, the fear of the unknown. For this reason I firmly believe religion should be taught at schools as just that, religion, not Christian, Islam or any other specific religion. No opt outs, no faith schools. Schools are for teaching kids the basics, if they have the knowledge and the understanding then this goes a long way to removing the fear. Let me just add, I genuinely do not care what a persons colour is, I really couldnt care less about someones religion, whilst respecting their beliefs, e.g. I wouldnt offer one of my Muslim friends a bacon butty. As for politics, at the end of the day we have the vote, and you have to follow your beliefs and vote for the one who is offering the nearest to what you want to see happening. But they are all a load of liars and cheats I hear the cry, and to a degree I agree with you. I dont vote, no point, is another common cry. My answer is if you dont vote then shut the f... up! If you think you have all, or at least some of the answers, get enough of your like minded friends together and stand for election yourself! you are allowed to here. I agree our system is far from perfect, as one major lot seem out of ideas and the other big lot, plenty of ideas and no idea how to pay for them! Any way, rant over for this week! Ill probably post another next week when I get writers block on my current thriller Im working on.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 23:55:28 +0000

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