This might make the penny drop . . . . We are being played by - TopicsExpress


This might make the penny drop . . . . We are being played by the Muslims.......................The government needs to know that Jihad [war] isnt just physical combat but also applies to economic and social engineering that benefits Islam - Like exploiting our WELFARE SYSTEM, finding out what works and then instructing other Muslims on how to rort it. And it seems they are doing a good job of it. Muslims get a full disability pension if they have type 2 diabetes, or depression, no questions asked. If you are not a Muslim, you do not get a disability pension. HALAL IS JIHAD TOO ! 98% of Australians are NON-Muslim, but 100% of population are forced, by higher priced food and products, due to Halal costs, to donate to the the religion of the 2% That religion wants millions more Muslims to come here and take over our country, ethnically cleanse it of all NON-Muslims, changing the laws claiming this country for Allah, Islam and all under Sharia law. Islam declared Jihad on Australia. Just because it is not physical combat, does not mean they are not winning, because they are, financially ! Halal raises $$$$TRILLIONS in TAX FREE RELIGIOUS PROFITS for ISLAM. The only defence we have is to force the government that should be loyal to US AUSSIES, to put a complete and total ban on all Halal profits, as that money funds Islam and the war [Jihad] against us that we are too blind to see. If our government refuses to ban Halal profiteering from the NON-Muslim people, then it is clear proof who they are loyal to, and it is certainly not us. If a Kiwi who fought alongside our soldiers ANZACS cannot come here and get a centrelink payment, and force us to change to suit them, they why should anyone else ??? That too is an insult to New Zealand, as our government is showing more loyalty to Islam than to New Zealand who lost many soldiers fighting a war we sent them to.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 07:27:49 +0000

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