This modern day high-pressure system of thinking and living is - TopicsExpress


This modern day high-pressure system of thinking and living is satanically inspired to separate people from God by powerful philosophies (or "isms"): tribalism, culturalism, secular humanism, relativism, intellectualism, hedonism, narcissim, materialism, ect... These are some of the most powerful manifestations of satan`s influence in the world. All these "isms" place pressure on men to conform their objects of worship and place beliefs or practices over God. These ways of the world have their origins in men but are inspired by the "hater of men" satan! These worldly systems are packaged and sold by Satan as popular opinions and prevailing cultural norms around the globe. These "norms" and opinions create high-pressure cultural systems that demand conformity and exclude behaviours and beliefs consistent with faith in Christ. They`re also focused on keeping you centered on self and preventing you from turning to God. These systems of beliefs and the behaviors that go with them oppose knowing, following, and serving Jesus Christ because they are engineered to discourage and downplay faith in God. Throughout centuries men have attempted to blend the beliefs of these systems with faith in Christ. However, it can`t be done! God`s children must watch out for these systems of high-pressure, are aware of it, does not get caught up in it, and above all does not conform to them. To conform to them is to compromise our faith, becoming pleasers of man, rather than pleasers of God. Big or small cultural invitations that pressure God`s children to think or behave in a way that`s contradictory to faith in God are satanic. Period. These worldly systems and philosophies are designed to play on the desires of the flesh and our inherent predisposition to do evil. Satan manipulates the ways of the world to be attracted to our character flaws and weaknesses. He knows that our flesh is deeply attracted to the world at all levels- emotional, physical, material, and spiritual. Satan wants man to love the world, and not separate themselves from the world by turning to God. Satan was cast out of heaven, but he rules this world and its systems. It`s his version of pseudo-heaven. In the world he can receive the worship he coveted in heaven. Below are some important factors for God`s children to take into account in order to not give place to the devil and his worldly manipulations or spiritual attacks: 1) a dry spirit - a soul unwatered by the Word of God 2) isolation - a life unwatered by authentic and honest connections to the body of Christ 3) Fasting and Prayerlessness - lack of communication and strong relationship with God, resulting in weak faith. 4) negative emotions - a life unwatered by the love, peace, patience, and joy of the holy spirit. 5) secrets - a life unwatered by the freedom only honesty with God, self, and others can provide. 6) Lack of Fellowship with other members of the Body of Christ. The spiritually dry, emotionally depleted, relationally isolated, and morally vulnerable man will be exploited. count on it. Satan will engineer things in such a way that exploits all the variables in an attempt to consume the person. We should expect the implementation of suggestions/temptations from satan into our minds, and they are always intellectually, emotionally, sensually, or physically gratifying. However, for every suggestion/temptation that counters the Word of God, there`s an answer from the Word of God. Satan elevates personal opinions over God`s spoken word. He always suggests a lack of fairness, equity, and benefit in God`s way. He`ll imply that you`ll miss out if you don`t act, which justifies your fleshly impulse in the moment and seems reasonable. Satan loves to focus on seemingly gray areas, blurring the vision of believers, and muffling God`s voice through magnifying feelings and emotions. He does this to have his heaven on earth, his own imitation, unholy trinity: the world, the flesh, and satan himself. Whatever is ruling your emotions at the time will be used against you when he strikes. In fact, you can predict with resonable certainty when satan will strike by asking yourself the following questions: 1) Where am I when I am most tempted or vulnerable? 2) What things or possessions am I tempted to covet? 3) How am I feeling? (tired, lonely, bored, stressed, conflicted, angry, boxed in, discouraged, ect..) 4) What am I tempted to be proud about? 5) Am I in conflict with anybody? 6) What are my core insecurities, fears, or triggers? 7) What situations cause me to get defensive? Satan not only uses suggestion and temptation, but he also uses "rationalization." Any time you`re coming up with good reasons to do evil things (especially religious-sounding ones). Rationalization is satan`s most productive way of encouraging self-deception, as he hides himself in thoughts, feelings, and emotions he plants within you. Satan knows the exact logic that fits the agenda of the flesh and creates in the moment a rebuttal against the conscience, attempting to rationalize immoral attitude or behavior that is inconsistent with your faith, the Bible, and Christ`s example. The devil magnifies misery to obscure God, isolate you, and get you to medicate your despair with substitute false pleasures. One thing the devil loves is a well-meaning but badly informed Christian. "Sort of" believing that the devil exists produces a "sort of" response that "sort of" gets people killed. The greatest trick that satan ever played is convincing the world that he doesn`t exist.(Hosea 4:6, Ephesians 6:12, 1 peter 5:8, James 4:7)
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 23:08:54 +0000

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