This month, roughly every one in five humans in the world is - TopicsExpress


This month, roughly every one in five humans in the world is celebrating the month of ramadan by fasting and cleansing their thoughts and acts. When the fasting month ends, muslims celebrate eid al-fitr (hari raya eidil fitri) by seeking forgiveness for their physical and emotional trespass (maaf zahir batin). Forgiveness is highlighted by our muslim friends and it is also shared by all major spiritual traditions. Regardless of faith and creeds, we humans have weakness to err. We wrong others all the time, intentionally or unintentionally. We wrong our loved ones, acquaintances and even strangers. So often we hold back from admitting our errors and sayng sorry because of our pride. it only holds us back, imprisons us in our past, sears our consciences, costs us intigrity and often love,respect and trust. So many couples separated, families broken, friendship destroyed, communities divided and even nations at war simply because someone refuses to say sorry. Owning up our errors does not undo them becuase we cannot change the past. it can however change the present by allowing us to start anew and giving the wrong party an opportunity to let go. it will change the future-- we will be reminded not to err again, and the wronged party can live with less pain and hurt if they choose to forgive. We are prone to lose our sense and sensibilities in the daily routine, hassles, frustrations and anger and have no time to reflect and say sorry. on every 3rd sunday of ramadan month, we dedicate this day as the say sorry day. On this day, we reflect, repent, seek forgiveness from and grant it to each other. Say sorry now, dont wait. life is short and unpredictable. we may not have the chance to say it in time. they may not have the chance to hear it in time. you can say it anyway you like, you can sat it in more than one ways. We all feel hurt and angry when wronged. it hurts the most when our loved ones do it. thats perfectly normal, but lets be still for a moment. have we not wronged others in our life? are we not grateful when the wronged parties were magnanimous to forgive us? being forgiven then allowed us to start anew and become better people. So, forgive. forgive those who sincerely seek for forgiveness. holding on their faults only imprisons us in our past, denies the present and squanders the future. let go of the past. forgiving others makes you a stonger and better person. THE WEAK CAN NEVER FORGIVE. FORGIVENESS IS THE ATTRIBUTE TO THE STRONG. asslamualaikum! happy month of ramadan. sincerely message from yours truly; ROELRHED PLANDO
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 07:35:49 +0000

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