This morning I got up and put on my Armor. I do it every morning - TopicsExpress


This morning I got up and put on my Armor. I do it every morning because I know Im going to need it. Ephesains 6:15 says And having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. My walk isnt always through the tulips and I often find myself in places even my dog wont go willingly. I have been asked what Armor am I putting on, well reading Romans 13 14 tells us the answer. Simply put its knowing who JESUS CHRIST is and who you are in HIM and using all HE has for your life, preparing to walk in HIM by Faith to spread the good news..Having Spiritual shoes helps us to see the solid foundation under us which we stand on and helps us to keep moving in Faith. Romans 5:1-2 says Therefore, having been justified by Faith, we may have peace with GOD through our LORD JESUS CHRIST, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of GOD. The Word of God is the gospel that brings peace and that is why we ready ourselves with it and in it.. In other words, believers are ready for battle because the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding..we can be in battle with the devil and stand in peace with GOD...because knowing who GOD is will guard our hearts and minds through JESUS CHRIST. We can all stand firm, with peace in our heart, no matter the battle because we know the foundation is JESUS CHRIST in which we share with others to bring Peace to them who have not heard about the saving Grace JESUS gives. So when the enemy comes and tries to steal our focus and tries to bring fear and troubles..we will stand on the foundation of GOD and proclaim the blood of JESUS. JESUS promised us in John 14:12..Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you..let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. No matter our troubles, no matter how much we think is against us remember these words...if GOD be for us who can be against us?
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 23:15:40 +0000

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