This morning I got up feeling particularly grateful, for my health - TopicsExpress


This morning I got up feeling particularly grateful, for my health for one, sounds crazy but true, however I thought it was important to count my blessings as I often do, so I sat quietly and just took notice, I woke up to a clean house, a home, the cold night air hadnt managed to seep in and one blanket was enough to keep me warm. I walked to the refrigerator and it was full of food, including eggs which I will eat anytime of the day. My Bride had already brewed the coffee, and my mug was sitting clean on the counter-top. I filled my cup and went to sit with my Bible, and glanced up at a wall full of pictures of my four children and eight grandchildren, and my wonderful in laws, and a few of many nieces and nephews, all of them healthy all of them overflowing with potential of one kind or another. I heard the rattle of the clasp for my American flag rattle against the pole I put up this Summer and as I sat there with my Bible on my lap I was reminded how many people live where a Bible is actually against the law. Places where law is merely vindictive opinion. We live in America, everyday we wake up to new possibilities, it isnt perfect, but it is still a blessing, furthermore I live in Michigan, where Summer and Winter are always moments away, and Fall and Spring are seemingly all year long, My tiny house has tripled in size since its purchase in 1989, and its still not big enough to contain the love that fills her up when everyone is home. I am thankful that The Holy Spirit lives here, always present always whispering, a small quiet voice that guides me, I am thankful for the abundance God has afforded us, so we can help our children, and brothers and sisters when they need it. I could be less profound and be thankful for the carpet padding that makes it feel like I am walking on clouds, and the large picture windows that make it look like a MaxfieldsParish painting when I catch the outdoor view at the right angle.How thankful I am for the 1968 camper that true to the era is dappled with avocado green appliances (all of which work perfectly) and carpet, and makes me feel like I am in an episode of The Brady Bunch every time we load her up with grand-kids and set out on an adventure....I could literally go on and on for days of all that I am grateful for, health not being the least of them, and my Bride and my Salvation being the greatest of those...I say all that to say this, Its easy to complain all day, to think about what we dont have, the things that could be better, all thats gone wrong, my what-ifs, and there are a lot of what-ifs, but if we focus on those we miss the blessings, if we focus on all that we havent achieved we miss our accomplishments, if we focus on the sorrow we miss the joy, if we focus on the anger we miss the peace and simplicity. Life is not about what we missed, it is about how we treat each other, and if we are consumed by the lack then we will have nothing to offer. I cannot express to the many people I know how much each of you have blessed me even in the smallest way, I remember. I have always remembered...I thank God for every Blessing He ever bestowed on me, Lord help me to use them to be a blessing to others in your Sweet and Precious name. and as my Pastor always saysThank you most of all for dying on the Cross to save me.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 15:28:13 +0000

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