This morning I had the honor to attend a charity fundraising - TopicsExpress


This morning I had the honor to attend a charity fundraising breakfast for the Ronald McDonald house.. What they do is to provide a room, food and support to the parents of children who are terminally ill, they also bring in teachers for kids who are missing school when fighting these diseases so they can keep caught up, they are there for these families in every single way.. covering basic needs so the parents can focus on what matters most... their child. 12 years ago my son was born with HLHS- a congenital heart defect. It basically means he was born with half a heart.. at 2 days old he was taken from the NICU and had open heart surgery. I was terrified, had been sleeping on a chair for 72 hours, hadnt eaten, showered.. I dont think I had done much of anything but cry and pace the halls. I was technically not qualified to stay at RMH because I did not live 100 miles or more from the hospital but an angel named Maggie May helped me....because I was 18, scared to death and had no other options they let me stay there. My son was in the hospital for 13 days before he passed away.. In those 13 days not ONE passed that someone at RM House didnt go out of their way to do something above and beyond for me. There was always a hot plate of food even if I couldnt eat it, someone to talk to even if all I could do was cry and a bed to lay down in even though I couldnt sleep. See the thing is when your child is that sick you feel helpless.. you cant do ANYTHING to help, youre exhausted, youre stressed and the last thing you want to think about is where are we sleeping or whats for dinner. I will not share the amount that I have pledged to RM, I think thats personal but I URGE you to donate. Even $10. It helps!!! Or your time. Go there and see the place. Meet the parents. Talk to them about having a child that is so critically ill and see if you dont go home appreciating your own children or family members more. You can prepare meals, help clean rooms.. or just sit with a parent and let them cry. Pray with them.. anything helps so just do something to help please!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 21:35:02 +0000

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