This morning I have reached a level of clarity and self awareness - TopicsExpress


This morning I have reached a level of clarity and self awareness that lets me know why at times I can be angry and direct and at most times lonely and unhappy....better known as anxiety, stress and depression. It took me almost the last two years, of my life, to understand where that comes from. My journey has been long and detrimental to my health and wellness and quality of life. You ask me what that is....?? I can finally tell you and here it is... ***I have spent most of my life trying to please everyone ....and I totally forgot about ME.*** Be for-warned, if you know me as a good friend, or just on facebook, that I really no longer care about your drama...your problems or your need to engage me in bullshit and your life issues. Deal with it without me... I have been humbled, shit on, threatened with death, strong armed and basically used....that is over for me...I will show no quarter. Feel free to come at me with your crap and drama and will find I will bust out laughing, kill you with kindness and walk away. If you persist, dont blame me when I crucify you in one deserve it. My life is not for anyone to drag down anymore. So please do not ask me why I am different to you...because I just really wont care anymore about your problems or drama. This Is MY life, not yours to control. Those who are close to me and have great character, and really have been my friends, will cheer me on and support me. Those who dont, prepare to be excommunicated out of my life. My first steps are...quit smoking within 24 hours of arriving back from vacation. Im going to get my teeth fixed. Anyone bringing anxiety and their problems will be removed with kindness...but definitely removed and without remorse or much thought as to caring about your issues. You do not care about mine... I have honestly found my inner peace. It was not vacation or my love for was through a long journey and a long and tired path in life. One I will never travel again. Sherry has been my rock this past 6 months. For that I love her dearly. I am very confident in these decisions and I am very positive I am right and just in doing so... It is time to set the world I once lived in on it burn to the ground and walk over its ashes with grace, kindness and compassion. To my closest friends and family...I love you all. To those who bring your drama and problems to me....I highly suggest you move out of my life immediately as this is MY have yours and I am not here to live through it for you I am well, I am alive, and now I live for me and only those very close to me that I have chosen to be there in life with. I am positive you know who you are if you read this...for you will understand my message and come closer to me. May God bless you all... !!! P.S. : I apologize for the long post...I needed to say it all ...Once... and for all.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 20:39:00 +0000

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