This morning I received a letter from a lively and loveable - TopicsExpress


This morning I received a letter from a lively and loveable Chinese girl who wants to be my bride speaking casually of cuddling in my arms and making love all night. It was so forceful that I had no choice but to break it off on the grounds that Seattle took measures to see to it that I cannot make love that way anymore. Her letter embarrassed and humiliated me. How the Friends of John Lennon and his widow did this will always be a mystery now that Peter Gabriel has secured the destruction of his misleading and vicious letters to me. The British murderers had one objective in life and that was the same as Gail Burstyns – to reduce me to a life forever of tears. Her partner Leslie Katz is a running mate of Hillary Clinton, godmothers of the nuclear estate Federal system who released AIDS on our sad planet. They hold the world hostage to an Executive syphilis every bit as tiresome and parched as North Korea. Obama is just as sickening and morally disturbing as Kim il Jong ever was, and I present to you that he would not be in power if he werent. Chemically castrating me was something the pigs had to do because to not do it would have meant that all of their actions were wrong and this would prove something those who gambled the name of the Beatles they could get away with it are very hostile to seeing proved: that AIDS is manmade, which is the true meaning of this outrage and the AIDS war game I was used for on Mt. Desert Island. What remains a mystery is how they justified themselves. Speaking of Seattle, how did Sharon Tomiko Santos, David Della and Larry Gossett, those horrid, horrid scum to say nothing of that fink Aaron Dixon, tell themselves their crimes against the soul of a heartbroken victim of torture was right? To take twenty years and a career of work from an innocent man without apology or thanks? Its not too much to mention in passing how I came to be very forwards in trying to secure Protection From Abuse by Reagan. An armed gang of murderers kidnapped and horrifically mutilated me leaving me deaf and traumatized with neurological injuries in a schizomatic catatonia as a child struggling with manipulation by peers and the over-influence of a few festering prancers in show business who are obsessed with my name. I dont know what kind of dishonorable, horrible person Rosina Monetleone could possible be to have given her virginity to someone she hated to harm them and to fulfill a catastrophic head injury that left me screaming in agony on the streets, nor what they paid her, but that she was rewarded is clear. Our laws are imperfect but defense of our rights is partly to protect us from scurrilous liars, madmen, sharks, syphilis from on high which might otherwise make our sincerity into a medium for recreational sadism towards us and allow megabuck hidden hand bigotry. Yet there no place to run when Friends of John Lennon and his widow put into circulation the leer that they couldnt know my soul and that despite being innocent both of date rape and of knowledge about the plan to kill John Lennon, they spat that it would always be a mystery of Allah because Lewis Lapham of HARPERS conceived of a world where the idea that I cudda known but was in a rejected state as a traumatized love is punishable by his rules. The thought that some sick, festering orb of smirking pus capable of bringing to humiliation and tears the wonderful woman who wanted to be my bride is working there at Harborview with my old friend Owen Riley while gloating that he castrated a man by finkery and trickery who was doomed as a child is proof of the adage that you cant fight City Hall. They will unman you. There has been that I know of never such a monstrous, incessant tragedy in our civics and the English pig who engineered it, a blindered Cyclops brays of his peripheral vision, snivelling, “I love you, man,” which he now admits was being sarcastic. Frankly, I hope Patricia Fripps hatred for me destroys her brother Robert. What Seattle Stranger did through Pittsburgh City Paper when ICHS attacked CCAC is worse than no insight. When Seattle psychiatric and David Summerlin helped arrange the slasher murder of Shannon Harps as part of Youssou Ndours tribalism Taliban it was merely the pervert filth in Capitol Hill sanctifying the plan and psychotic psychology of those who released AIDS in the first place, letting them go unmolested for a jabbing art statement about the wrath of Lennon, which was scripted by the assassins in the first place, lie after cowardly lie, finding endorse in the sniggering pettiness of Sir Beatles Paul McCartney the Syphilitic. This is the meaning of their campaign of deception about the AIDS testing war game I was used for on Mt. Desert Island. The nearly unbelievable mental depravity of HARPERS Lewis Lapham is clearly the deadly message of the enemy within, baby.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 18:12:46 +0000

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