This morning I sought God’s will in finding a flea Mkt. to sell - TopicsExpress


This morning I sought God’s will in finding a flea Mkt. to sell the Jewelry I’ve been making for over 5 Mo’s Or so but this thought flew out the window as the Lord directed me to the last Ch. of the book of Revelation, have you ever asked to lead you to a scripture or 2 to read that would make whatever circumstance you are facing at the moment bearable? That’s what I did this morning and I thought it might be the Psalms, Lo and behold I was wrong and the pages opened up to Rev. 22, As I read about the river coming out of the throne of God and the tree of life that was on either side of this river I realized that this would be our home someday, I then scrolled down to the 7th. Verse that I had read 100’s of times but this time it came alive as it never had before “Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book”, I never ever got passed the words “Behold, I come quickly” yet this morning the words “Blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book” crept into my heart with clear understanding, I realized that this was our Saviour speaking to all that would listen. Unlike all the teachers and preachers that dissect this book, they do not realize the words spoken to us by the Lord through Peter in the 1st. Ch. of his 2nd. letter “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation” means exactly what it says, because of not heeding these words many doctrines and beliefs of their interpretations have come forth that were contrary to the words of these prophecies, this revelation of Jesus Christ in the last book of our bibles have led many astray and verse 7 of Ch. 22 is 1 verse that we can all understand and expound on but it very seldom is only because of mans spiritual ego with the attitude of “I know more then you”. The Lord taught me a valuable lesson this morning as I read this verse, you can no longer present something you yourself do not understand, I admire those who seek the red letter scriptures that are the words of our Saviour, I have seen negative comments about those who do this very thing, In Paul’s 2nd. Letter to Timothy, chapter 3, the Lord shows us something so amazing that we would all do well to understand before presenting our own opinions of the scriptures “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness”, Only our Lord, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, can lead us to the truth of His Word, we have seen much dissention and division caused by the arguments of interpretation of which I myself have been guilty of at times, this in itself is a tool satan uses to confound the brethren. The world watches us every day in what we say and do, our lives as children of God leads many to His gift of salvation, we may never see the results in the lives that we reach but 1 day all will be revealed to us, walking in the Spirit is our admonition by our Saviour, otherwise we are like those of the world seeking and never hearing.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 13:32:02 +0000

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