This morning I spent time on the phone talking to Sharon Veater - TopicsExpress


This morning I spent time on the phone talking to Sharon Veater and Heidi Williams. They will be presenters at our first Birthing into Spirit Conference on November 8th 2014. This conference is being held at Wrightsville PA. Sharon will be speaking about her experiences as a hospice nurse. Her expertise and her compassion are amazing. I can’t wait to hear her stories as well as the insight she offers during her workshop at the conference. Talking to Heidi about her workshop I was equally excited about her insight into angels and how they can help us during our lives as well as during the birthing into spirit process. Sharon Bibb will also be speaking at the conference. She will be sharing how energy healing and essential oils can be used to support the person birthing into spirit as well as the caregiver and loved ones. Who should attend the Birthing into Conference • Caregivers • Hospice workers and volunteers • People grieving for loved ones who have birthed into spirit • Grief counselors • Nurses, doctors, and other healthcare providers who work with dying patients This conference will give individuals a new understanding about death and dying. A consciousness shift must occur so we can help those birthing into spirit make the transition with grace. Creating an environment that will allow those birthing into spirit share what they are experiencing is one of the key goals of this conference. Creating space for loved ones to talk openly and freely can only occur if those around them feel comfortable in allowing the person birthing into spirit to share. During the conference we will discuss how personal beliefs and fears keep us from embracing new beliefs about death and the afterlife. Many people talk about believing in heaven; however when asked about the afterlife most people seem to be confused. Consciousness is shifting. People do believe in heaven. During this conference we will discuss how to integrate how consciousness continues after physical death. A goal of the Birthing into Spirit Conference is to help people understand that those who have birthed into spirit have rich experiences even after physical death. During the conference we will discuss how visions, dreams, and help from those who have birthed into spirit are a part of the process. You will learn about angels and guides and how these beings of light can help you live your life as well as help those birthing into spirit. You will learn how to embrace spiritual consciousness in your life. I will be sharing the stories from “Birthing into Spirit.” I am also excited about teaching how those who are birthing into spirit shift into spiritual consciousness. I will teach how conference participates can also shift from physical consciousness to spiritual consciousness. Seeing angels, spirit guides, traveling to other planes of consciousness and seeing departed loved is a part of the process one goes through as they birth into spirit. I will also be teaching participants how to understand the many ways that those who have birthed into spirit continue to communicate with us even after physical death. We invite you to join us at our first Birthing into Spirit Conference. Blessing, Katye Anna For more information call 717-668-1927 or go to katyeanna/birthing-into-spirit-event.html You can also go to Amazon to order “Birthing into Spirit”. “Birthing into Spirit” go to: amazon/Birthing-Into-Spirit-KatyeAnnaClark/dp/0985140798/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1411390415&sr=1-1&keywords=Birthing+Into+Spirit We are pleased that New Visions Books and Gifts 2594 Eastern Boulevard Kingston Square Shopping Center York, PA 17402, will be carrying our line of books beginning September 26th 2014. Katye Anna Clark will be at New Visions on October 4th 2014 from 11:00 to 3:00 to sign her newly released books. Call New Visions at: 717-843-8067 to pre-order your copy of “Conscious Construction of the Soul” and “Birthing into Spirit”.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 19:39:54 +0000

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