This morning I want to share why I hate the r word and believe in - TopicsExpress


This morning I want to share why I hate the r word and believe in people first language. Recently, I had the opportunity to do a presentation for Futures Rehabilitation Center in Bradford on stress management. I had 90 participants in two different sessions. During the break of the first session, one young man came up to me and expressed that one thing that stressed him out was when he was called that r word. I expressed to him my surprise that someone would say that to his face. He then pointed to the rest of the room and said everyone in this room has been called that word many times...all of us hate that word. Do we need another reason to remove that word from our language? I dont. I know most of you that I know would never use the word directly to someone with an intellectual or developmental disability, but I have heard too many of us casually use this term to negatively describe the actions or appearance of others. By the use of the word that for far too long was associated with a group of people always in a negative connotation is just wrong and continues to propagate a stereotype that is not only hurtful but inaccurate. The people I met in Bradford could in no way be associated with a word that is used to insult or make fun. I am not diminishing the challenges that their intellectual or developmental disability causes, nor or they, but I walked away impressed with their amazing abilities. I do a lot of public speaking and they were one of the most engaged, attentive, eager to participate and even loving audiences I have ever presented for. These strengths are what I left remembering about this particular audience not the attributes meant when people use this antiquated ugly word. Words do matter. Language in culture does and should evolve. This isnt about political correctness or over-sensitivity, it is about using language that recognizes and emphasizes that everyone of us is beautiful based on our strengths; that all of us are fearfully and wonderfully made; that none of us should be defined by our challenges (I would be in trouble if we were). We are people first. So, l plan to continue to use language professionally and casually that reflects that. While I am sure I wont be perfect, I will strive to only use language that reflects the beauty, strengths and individuality of people, all people.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 13:17:02 +0000

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