This morning, I was asked about my No1 Lover... heres my - TopicsExpress


This morning, I was asked about my No1 Lover... heres my answer... I wish I could describe the Love of my Life perfectly to you,..but, FROM THE LITTLE I HAVE KNOWN, He is so beautiful - beyond description, Too good for words to explain, Too wonderful for any minds comprehension, His glory and beauty fills the entire earth! His splendour is beyond imagination, From His loins upwards is as glowing bronze with fire enclosed within it and as from his loins downwards is as the appearance of fire! When I try to gaze at Him - His glory is so thick that I cant see through it,..leaves me in awe always! I FEEL SO SECURE BEING WITH HIM, He is older than the earth, yet HE is yet to break a promise! When we have a date, surely, HE is always there before I arrive. Oh he is unimaginably busy, but He has never left my side, not once! IVE COME TO SEE THAT I AM SAFE INDEED WITH HIM. He is so powerful that just the breath of his nostrils will fry all the oppositions and all devils in hell put together! His mere words created all things, recreates and upholds all the contents of the universe! When He speaks, all demons flee (run in terror), oceans stand like a wall, the depths of the ocean dries up as a roadway and great walls sink into the ground; fountains appear in the desert and springs in the valley; When He calls on the dead, hell and the grave give way, and the people walk out of the grave to answer to Him! Ah! even DRY bones emerge as a great army! Everything obeys His command! quails, fishes, the sun, the moon, the stars, the winds and storms, trees and beasts of the field. At His command,the earth opens its mouth to swallow and wombs receive the power to conceive, broken bones rejoin and deformities adjust and correct! When He steps in, the prison gates and bars give way like a pack of cards, chains drop of captives on their own accord; When we walk together, mountains skip like rams and obstacles melt before we arrive, HE NEVER FAILS TO PROVIDE How can He possible fail? The universe is His personal property - of which earth is only a tiny ball within) When He as much as smiles at me, my whole life changes instantly! BUT IT TRILLS ME THAT HIS EYES ARE CONSTANTLY UPON ME.. and theres so much Love in those eyes and heart that theres nothing I and the entire world can do to exhaust it. CAN YOU IMAGINE THE KIND OF GIFT HE GIVES? He Killed His most precious Son (killed Himself actually) just to have me back in His Life, Oh what a lover, men mostly just want to use me and only take advantage of me for the gratification of their own personal interests but not My Lover, am yet to see Him think of Himself before me! HES SUCH A GREAT PERSON A Great physician who performs surgeries without incision [laser and Chemo are far too behind!]. A healer whose drug have no overdose nor side effects, A judge of the whole earth! (Animate and inanimate), A creator and master of the universe, Hes so great a scientist, HE supersedes and suspends all the Laws of Nature at will - eg Laws of Flight, Floatation, Conception, Finance, etc! [unfortunately, NASA, and all analysts, physicists, philosophers and scientists will never catch up with HIM] NO WONDER, The trees wave in praise to Him The animals sing His praise with Joy and excitement every morning! The seas dance and perform to entertain Him daily, And even the stones are eager to substitute anyone who chooses not to declare His praise! Ive been searching and trying to please Him, but theres nothing I have that He needs! The earth belongs to Him and He will create anything else He needs if the need ever arises! He made me all I am so how can I now contribute to Him?? BUT WAIT! Theres something I see He loves! When I Praise and worship HE roars like a thunder, He arises and He hastens towards me - wow! guess Ill give HIM more than necessary! AND SOMETHING ELSE, When I carry HIS love to others and woo them over into this love affair, oh how excited HE gets! OH HOW I LOVE HIM!! Guess youve heard of Him before...HIS NAME IS JESUS CHRIST, GOD-THE-SON!! ...IF YOU LOVE MY LOVER, and LOVE TO SEE HIM EXCITED, LETS GO SPREAD HIS LOVE TO THE WORLD! ...LETS GO GET THE REST BACK HOME!! ...LETS GO!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 14:18:41 +0000

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