This morning I was informed by the school secretary that a parent - TopicsExpress


This morning I was informed by the school secretary that a parent told her that Keylime dropped the f-bomb at school and went on to explain what it meant to the other kids. No context, no details... And no teacher heard him say it. In honesty, he has dropped it a couple times at home, but only in EXTREME situations. In other words, situations that, if they happened at school wouldve involved more than just him randomly saying a bad word. So after school I asked him. Turns out all the kids were discussing bad words at the lunch table, and Keylime said the worst of all was the f-bomb. (He literally said f-bomb.) and when pressed told what f-bomb stands for... So, in essence it was really a non-issue. But this is also the same kid who would press Keylime for info on various things and then go tattle to his mom that Keylime said whatever the hell he said that day. *Le Sigh* Talked to the secretary and principal, and his teacher about the context and drove home with a headache struggling to form behind my eye... And told Keylime that if that kid ever asks him for info again hes to reply Go ask your mom.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 00:06:33 +0000

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