This morning I was thinking about all the struggles we dont have - TopicsExpress


This morning I was thinking about all the struggles we dont have that we barely notice. We are usually too consumed with our current struggles to notice the things that God has made easy for us. When I gave birth to Samuel and was a brand new nursing mom, I struggled to nurse him a month, 2 months etc. I found it to be the single hardest thing I had ever done. I had infections and problems at every turn and never felt comfortable. I wanted to make it to the coveted year so so badly. I counted down each month hoping to get there. No one in my family had nursed their babies. I had one aunt by marriage who became my only personal resource. It was such a gigantic struggle. Samuel only made it 9 months before he self weaned. When I had Sawyer, I was determined to make it! Things were easier and I was comfortable. I still struggled to balance it all and I started counting the months hoping to take that picture I always wanted to take: nursing him at one. We made it and I was over joyed! He self weaned at 13 months. And now with Baby number 3, nursing just happened so naturally. We have had our bumps in the road (mostly by medical professionals pushing formula, which will remain a great mystery to me) but we made it to one without a thought. I never counted months and hardly wondered if wed make it. Sutton has shown no signs of weaning! God spared me the struggle! I needed to recognize this blessing and thank God for it. Thank you God!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 13:14:21 +0000

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