This morning I went into a neighborhood shop to get a packet of - TopicsExpress


This morning I went into a neighborhood shop to get a packet of mints. Having been up all night Ill admit I was feeling tired and a tad grumpy – the mints were meant to bit a bit of a morning boost to go with my double strong coffee. . I entered the small independent grocer and picked up a packet of cool mints that were, as always, conveniently situated by the counter. And then I waited for him to finish his phone call. And then I waited some more. . It soon became evident that he wasnt going to, I knew this as he thrust out his palm towards me, not looking at me, not telling me how much and not having the courtesy to say please, thank-you or good morning. . This got right on my tits – this rudeness is something I really, really hate. . Rather than address the situation directly I help up one finger in a ‘hold on’ motion – I don’t know if he even saw this or not but there was still nothing in response from the shopkeeper. . I then went around the shop and picked up various items – bread, tea bags, water, furniture polish, sugar, a tin of pineapple chunks, kitchen roll, fruit pastels and a packet of biscuits (you know those weird Bahlsen ones you only ever get in little grocers – who buys them?) . Once I had them all on the counter and he started to ring them into the till, I pretended my phone was ringing and ‘answered’ it. This was followed by an excellent imaginary conversation with my mechanic which lasted a good two minutes during which time the grocer had finished his call and was gesturing to me to pay. . He got nothing from me. Not a look, not a how much, not a please, thank-you or good morning. The only thing he heard me say was “hang on Gary, I’m losing signal” to my imaginary mechanic as I walked out of the door. I did not stop - I walked straight home and wrote this rant. . So if by any chance that (or any other) shopkeeper is reading this – have the f*cking courtesy to acknowledge me when I come to your establishment to purchase goods and help you earn a living. It takes NO effort to smile, gesture, or even speak to me you rude, ignorant bastard.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 17:29:55 +0000

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