This morning I woke up thinking about my dad and I got an - TopicsExpress


This morning I woke up thinking about my dad and I got an overwhelming sense that I needed to draw his energy. Ive never drawn the energy of someone who wasnt still physically present on this planet so I was a little nervous. This is what happened when I let go of the nerves and followed the nudge (the full write up is below if you care to read what the art means). The 14th anniversary of his transition is two days away. The main colors in this piece are yellow, green and brown. All are natural colors; earthy colors that represent grounding, nurturing, abundance, transformation and adaptation. Specifically yellow is the color of joy, creativity and light. Green is the color of health, renewal, love and heart. Brown is the color associated with mother earth; it is all primary colors combined. Practicality, safety and neutrality. The yellow and brown ‘images’ were drawn only as lines slightly bent. Drawn left to right. The green image was drawn in totality as a loop moving from one side of the page to the other without stopping. The yellow image evolved from disconnected lines to complete lines that seem to form the image of a fish. Fish are a common symbol of Christianity. They also represent renewal, rebirth and acknowledgement. ‘swimming in the spiritual realm’ is the message that came through when I was drawing this image. The other interesting symbolism is that the fish also represents the astrological sign Pisces. My father was a Scorpio himself; however his transition from this earth into the spirit realm occurred under the sign of Pisces and Pisces also my sons astrological sign. My father passed away hours after my sons death. In this piece my father is giving me the message that he is acknowledging Benjamin’s birth and also his birthday that is the day after this drawing was made. When my father passed I felt his presence with me even though I was many kilometres away from where his transition was taking place. This is something I have held onto; that he came to visit his grandson and acknowledge his birth. The green loop is symbolic of movement and continuation. I felt deeply that this symbol offers the message that life has continued for my father. That there was no ‘end’ as we saw with our physical eyes; that his life, his energy has gone on and is continuing to go on. The actual loop is representative of the process of moving from life on earth to life in the spirit realm. The brown image stayed as disconnected lines and felt very much like dirt but not dirty. It also felt like there was movement with the way the lines curved and ‘moved’ as they were being drawn. This ‘dirt’ is symbolic of the love my father had for his garden. I believe the time he spent in his garden was his meditation. He was never happier than to have the sun warming his skin while he worked away amongst the plants that he nurtured and grew from his care and love. The levels of color in this piece also indicate and further secure for me the image of him working in his gardens. The yellow symbolizes the sun, the green symbolizes the plants, the brown symbolizes the richness of the soil. This piece sends the message of growth, continuation and life. Just as the seasons regenerate the earth in their processes; so does this picture represent life and the flow of living into dying. Regeneration. Life after death. Continuation. The symbols in this piece seem simplistic. Nothing fancy. There was a flow and ease to the drawing. This is also what I remember of my fathers energy. There was nothing fancy about him. His earlier struggles in life gave way to an ease and simplicity. He lived to serve others and was happy to do so.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 17:55:10 +0000

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