This morning Im just thinking about how careful we have to be. We - TopicsExpress


This morning Im just thinking about how careful we have to be. We know Jesus warns us that we have enemies that will try to kill us. Well..then there are dreams. Most people do have dreams or nightmares sometimes. We have to be very careful with dreams. For the most part..they can lead us to sin. Sometimes they help us..but..if we study the verses..we see that most of the time they can lead us to the road of destruction. God can make us have dreams. He can talk to us. But so can Satan. It tells us in Deuteronomy that if a dreamer arises and tells of false prophesys..he has to be put to death. Thats how serious it is. So..just be very careful. I always remember..if I do have a dream about someone..dont let it cause me to treat them differently. I had the dream..not them. They dont have the foggiest idea. Always follow the one another..that means..if someone asks you to go a mile..go two miles. So..the hour of testing is here..where Satan tests everybody. I pray that we remember that the kingdom of God is not about food..its about love. God the Father loves us because we love His Son. If we love His son..then we will follow his commandments even if it gets us killed. So..dont let the world get us down..or dreams. Jesus is present. He can talk to you one on one. He comes to your house. I have seen him. Many people have seen him. He doesnt need to be in a dream. If you have a night mare..start saying Jesus. Some people look at the cross and still get depressed. But..we have to rejoice..we have to be thankful. We have to realize the awe of the ransom that it takes to get us out of this world of sin. We have to see forgiveness when we look at the cross. Thats where Gods love shines more than anything else. It means I love you, and I forgive lets rejoice. I have made a mansion for you. And someday..all this war will be completely erased from your mind. God has called us to Love, Power, and Self-Control, and a sound mind. Whatever suffering we have to endure for this short time is nothing but a drop in the bucket compared to the Heavenly Rest we will receive. So be careful with dreams. If you have talked to someone and next thing you know you have a dream that your in a hospital bed..quickly apologize to this person. And with all the strife going on in the world..I always remember the story of the prodigal son. The father did not stop the son from leaving. AND, the son came back on his own. There are a lot of different points in our coming closer to God. Some are just now leaving a false house of religion with false doctrine that has failed them healing for their sickness, no comfort, no nothing except obligations on and on, some are growing in the knowledge of God and just now asking for the spiritual gift God has set up for them, some farther along and are facing real threats and their lives are at stake, some are holding on to their faith in tribulation. Some are turning their back on God forever, Some are crossing the finish line of faith and have overcome the wicked one. Some are just now committing their souls to Jesus. What all exactly is going could be lots of things. Nightmares could be best thing to do is ask for the strength to forgive people. Everybody has to forgive someone. I cant imagine being a public official and constantly be berated as a leader. God is in charge of leaders. He raised up Pharaoh and he raised up Moses. Anyway..I love the verse..John 6:45 I always remember..God made the dirt we stand on. He girded us before we knew him. He can certainly take care of any problems. King James Version (KJV) 45 It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me. Thats amazing. So I pray for patience while every person talks to the Father and then recieves Jesus. I pray for those finishing their long and hard race of faith. And So..its another live, love, and learn..and be a blessing to someone. Hug your kids. They will be wearing the same shoes some day.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 11:40:06 +0000

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