This morning a friend posted some awesome thoughts about those - TopicsExpress


This morning a friend posted some awesome thoughts about those original disciples, those commercial fisherman the LORD had chosen. If things back then, where similar to today, these men, in their particular profession, would not only have been very smelly, but they would most likely have been a little more brutish than maybe the shop keepers or the town tailors. When caught in that terrible storm at sea, while Jesus was asleep in the boat, they most likely didnt speak the Kings James, 17th Century, Shakespearean language, like wakest thou up kind savior, we thinkest we mayest drown post hasteth. Actually they were freaking out BIG TIME & as a matter of fact, they accusingly question Him, Teacher, dont you care if we drown? (Mark 4:38) Even though there are times for fear, how could we ever think that Jesus would not care that His people might perish! How pitifully imperfect we are. Jesus asks them a question that exposes where these followers are in their walk with Him. How is it that you have no faith? (Mark 4:40) Faith & fear will take their turns as we, who are a work in progress are being prepared in this life for our ultimate destiny. Just as He stayed with those fisherman & prepared them, He will be faithful to complete the good work He started in us. (Philippians 1:6) And it wont be long until we have complete victory over fear & our faith will be forever lost in sight ~ Goodnight fb
Posted on: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 05:53:29 +0000

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