This morning as I watch my sweet little miracle baby sleep I am so - TopicsExpress


This morning as I watch my sweet little miracle baby sleep I am so thankful to God you see you never forget the pain of infertility those sleepless nights of praying 3 years of waiting for this beautiful little boy it was so worth the wait! I can remember that Saturday I got the call there is a baby boy the birth mother wants to place to a loving family, this was one of those moments in life when time stood still just for a moment ! The next day was spent Shopping and just the utter feeling of being so overwhelmed by baby stores !!! Now Monday that Monday I would see your sweet face for the 1st time that 7 hour car ride felt like an eternity ! I wept the whole time and I wept when I seen you again time stopped just for a moment your birth mother turning the corner with you and I caught my first glimpse of the child we had prayed and asked God for! The moment I held your tiny person in my arms you looked at me and your daddy as if you knew we were who God sent you too! We are so blessed to be Jeremiahs parents adoption is a beautiful God intended thing, there are thousands of children waiting for a fever family I can tell you I would do adoption again and again Jeremiah is my child, I was ment to be his mommy from the beginning of time! God knows your children o barren woman he knows every hair on there little head never lose hope!!!! Happy Sunday ♡
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:09:53 +0000

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