This morning during devotionals I was reminded of my relationship - TopicsExpress


This morning during devotionals I was reminded of my relationship with Jesus and if I ever felt the need to be baptized or reborn within my current church EHWC. I was baptized as a baby and although I seriously didnt have a completely dedicated life to Jesus throughout my growing up year. I always believed in the Trinity and Eternal life and Jesus as my savior. However, feeling empty and not filled I began searching for a church home to help me grow in the Word...It was at that time I felt pulled to leave organized religion with man made rules and begin a journey with Jesus that has drawn me closer to Him than ever. I have to admit I had some religious guilt for a few years but as I became more knowledgeable in the word ( bible studies for over 13 years now) I am deeply grateful for the truth God has shared with me and how the WORD has impacted my life. Ive realized that I have never been more happier with God and HIs GREAT plan for my life. As I look back HE has directed everything I have done, from wanting to become a nurse at 7 years old when I watched the ER doctor sew my finger on, to working as an RN in critical care, burn unit, ICU, Trauma to being blessed to stay home and raise my children` ministering to my husband and my children is one of the most important and precious life purposes I could ever undertake. I then was honored to be certified in Pastoral care ministry at Roswell and serve there and at my church to spiritually ministering to the sick and dying. Who does that without God going before them to pave their way? Never looking back but always growing and moving forward as I became challenged with family trials and my own health issues, HE and HE alone paved another way for me to find a way out of be cancer free and begin to take better care of the temple in which HE lives! Now again he has blessed me with the opportunity to share that wisdom with others so that one person at a time we can help this crisis we have in health care. I am so honored and Blessed that GOD has this GREAT plan for my life and I know HE is NOT finished with me yet ...He has much work for me to still accomplish on this earth...and HE does have a plan for YOU too !!! I know many things dont always go as we would have planned or would like` but HIS GREAT plan will never looking for the Blessings amongst the trials, know HE loves YOU and HE wants you to Love HIM...the rest is in his hands... I know HE is HOLDING ME TIGHT everyday !!!! about I dont feel its necessary BUT...if my husband ever allows me a trip to Israel...yes, the Jordon River is calling my name and I would be honored to be deciated to HIM there !!!!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 16:24:09 +0000

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