This morning (even tho school is canceled for the 5th day in a - TopicsExpress


This morning (even tho school is canceled for the 5th day in a row) I had to take Molly to the local university for a Honors Band thing. Of course it is at the building located at the very top of a very large hill. Which is fine, I parked near it so it wasnt too bad. Except when it was time to walk back to my car. There is a road that goes around the top of the, well, lets just call it a mountain because when you are up there, that is what it seems like, it circles the building - and between the road and building is a sidewalk. There is one way to get to the road from the sidewalk right in front of the building - stairs! - except that would mean walking down the road for a piece dodging cars - I decided it would be safer to just walk down the sidewalk until I was closer to my car. Sure, there was a hill of snow between me and the road but I was wearing boots, no problem to just tromp right through the snow. Except. Well, this snow is really not snow. It looks like snow but mostly it is just white ice. When I proceeded to tromp - I did not sink into the snow. I slide on top of it! Suddenly there I was already committed to my downward journey when I realized - is straight ice. I momentarily considered reversing course, but I was certain that would end with me face down in the ice sliding directly into the road, Chevy Chase style. I opted to keep going forward. Heres the thing. I dont ski. I dont skate. I pretty much have only mastered walking on flat surfaces. But I was committed, so I considered my options. It would have been easier if this venue wasnt packed out with people - cars everywhere, kids/parents everywhere - I have a peripheral audience everywhere...ugh. At least I had already dropped Molly off because my next move would surely have embarrassed her. I squatted down - Id like to say in a graceful Olympic athlete way but who are we kidding? more like matronly mom/clumsy toddler - sliding down the hill on my bottom - mom purse flailing about, wild eyed terror as I approached the bottom of the hill and the oncoming cars! As luck would have it - like the clumsy toddler who cant quite clear the slide and gets stuck on the bottom (which worked out better for me than the toddler, because thats sucky not to make it all the way down), I stopped right before I hit the street. I stood up, slung my purse over my shoulder with a thats-what-I-meant-to-do air and saw a smartly dressed woman watching me. She was talking on her bluetooth, but paused her conversation long enough to say to me, I like your style! and then she kept on going. I gave her a smile and nod like we cool people are apt to do. I pulled my jacket down Spock style, and waited for a break in the cars so I could zip across the street to my car. *a day in the life of superhero kim*
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 15:52:59 +0000

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