This morning, it was chilly and a cold drizzle of rain dropped - TopicsExpress


This morning, it was chilly and a cold drizzle of rain dropped onto my face at 5:30 am as I stood in my driveway as I psyched myself up for a brisk 20 minute jog. This was my favorite running weather. I took off and realized that it didnt take long for my chest to start heaving from the exertion. My legs were tired about 10 minutes in and then started to bail out when I climbed the hill near my home. I slowed my pace and found that I was near a walk so I put my hands on my hips and began struggling to regain control of my gasps. My eyes fell upon the sidewalk as the rain began to steadily jumped up and down off of the concrete. It was still pretty dark, but I looked into the field and saw some cows grazing not far from my neighborhood. My place is quiet, its time to go. I took off again and began thinking of my future and how blessed I am to be where I am. Im wearing expensive running shoes, wicking clothes that prevent chafing, $9 socks that allow my feet to breath, I am running in a neighborhood patrolled by a neighborhood watch, Homeowners Association, and there are 3 police officers on my street alone. What brought me to this place? God. God ushered me to this mountaintop on the edge of a cliff to utilize my trust in my Father and leap to the other side. God chased me down through my struggles and finally grabbed my shoulders and shook me. He got my attention. And He blessed my path. I am not one to throw caution to the wind. A faith movement is one that is personal and important to the life of a believer, in the peaks and valleys of life, we all come to the edge of our faith and must decide to leap or wait. Gods way is perfect. People are not. Often we make our own choices and decisions based on our will and desires, and then expect God to make up the difference of our inability or faithfulness, but that is not how this relationship works. God moves in response to our faithfulness. Our faith is in God based on who He is not who we want Him to be at that moment. When driven by desperation and fear, our pursuit of God is void of faith and therefore ineffective. Our trust is faulty. In that moment, when leaping out of faith, we are not trusting God but avoiding His plan. Gods promise is not to make our way straight but He enables us to travel His pathways to perfect. As our rescuer, all God is required to do is save us in our fall. The pain and devastation of the process is not always avoided. The humiliation of failure is not spared. God just promises to pick us up and set our feet back on the rocks once more, and in my case, my feet on that cold wet concrete as it pounds underneath my Nikes. The leap of faith we are asked to take could be the one thing needed to bring us to the place on top of the mountain. When youve been though the valleys, He doesnt leave you there, He lifts you up and sets you in the place He desires you to be. For me, new job, wedding planning, coaching, running, being a mom, being a friend, being a daughter, being a philanthropist. I Corinthians 15:57-58 says, But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ. So my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. God is awesome. He has a promise for everything. There is no deception in Gods timing or faithfulness to His people. Just hang on! Dont jump off the cliff, make it a leap of faith! Love you, Brandy! Prayer for today: God, you are so awesome! You are my faith, my love, my hope for all things. Thank you for always loving me and never giving up on me. I know through my dark times that youre there, even if it doesnt seem like it to me, Father, I know that you are my salvation and my happiness. Help me to continue to desire to be more like you! I love you! Thank you for Calvary, Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 12:53:23 +0000

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