This morning it was pouring down rain, I laid there listening to - TopicsExpress


This morning it was pouring down rain, I laid there listening to the rumble of thunder echoing thru the vast idle space as gentle raindrops plucked at roof tops and shutters like a xylophone. As l laid in my bed listing to this wonderful symphony of thunder, lightning and rain, It brought back so many memories of rainy days and simple, innocent times. I hope this post will also bring back memories of your childhood in any Sweet town in this vast and wonderful world. I remembered that as kid whenever it would start raining we would run out in our shorts (and even in our underwear at times) and play all day long. You have to realize that growing up in the Barrios of Alice,Texas USA or even yourselves that grew up in the different areas in this quaint but wonderful town, areas with as unique names and its unique people, sections of town called El Ranch Drive-In,Rancho Allegre, La Saenz, Hillcreast, Buena Vista, La Memorial, El Dubose, La Mary R., El Tecolote and so other areas. During these treasured day for many of there was no such things as swimming pools, there were no slip and slides, no water-parks, no oasis...our swimming pools were made of bar ditches, culverts and even a collection of water on our lawns. Our slip and slides were us running barefoot on the grass and mud and busting our ass, our water-parks consisted a bunch of boys and girls acting like Indios (Indians like Mami used to call us) gathering on barrio streets and running on side of trucks splashing and deluging us with waves of sloppy and silty water from run-offs. At times during heavy downpours and flooding we would even pretend to be surfing or going on river adventures on top of old pieces of madera (plywood). Its funny how now a days those things that seemed so much fun and special have gone by the know letting kids be kids. It seems now kids are all coped up playing games, on cell phones or simply just withering while the rain slips by. I guess its just a different generation. Sometimes I just wish that I could still see those kids running in the streets..playing in yards...and enjoying the splash. Our only oasis of reflections is the memories of those treasured days gone by...Enjoy the rain friends and cherish those memories that still linger after all these years...Live, Love And Cherish...Sonny.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 19:29:41 +0000

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