This morning my 3 babies all began new journeys. Each one stepped - TopicsExpress


This morning my 3 babies all began new journeys. Each one stepped through the doors of new schools, with rooms full of unfamiliar faces, teachers weve never met before and know nothing about, ready to start their new lives! Weve completely trusted God throughout this change weve all embarked upon and yes its been tough, and yes there have been tears (there still are some days), but we know we are doing what God has led us to do. Ive been so nervous for my sweet Addie, jr high is just a different world all together and she really has been the only one who hasnt really met anyone yet,so Ive been so heavy hearted for her. I asked The Lord to please give her just one friend to be with today, thats all she needs, just one to get through her day, as I walked with her to her locker to drop all her stuff off I didnt want to leave her alone, but God answered my prayer right there, along came Drew Smith (Jeff Smiths son). Theyve met once before and hes the sweetest kiddo, she smiled and off they went together, the 2 new kids and peace settled right over this mom! God said Ive got this and Ive got Addie! Ive led your family here and I will not abandon her!! Why did I ever doubt that??!! As much as I doubt myself and my choices at times, Ive never second guessed this decision. I know we are where we are supposed to be and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Gods hand has been at work in our lives throughout this journey! Change is never easy, but when you are walking in Gods will and following what he wants for your life, well that change is a beautiful blessing! If you have a second today say a little prayer for my babies, I ask that you pray for an abundance of friends for them and that they have an amazing school year full of new changes!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 13:44:59 +0000

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