This morning my prayers for a speedy recovery and my best wishes - TopicsExpress


This morning my prayers for a speedy recovery and my best wishes go out to Pat, the owner of Red and Gold Florist in Forest Park, Georgia. Ms. Pat (as I and many others refer to her) was robbed and then beaten so badly that she is presently in the hospital. It seems that her turning over the $40.00 in her cash drawer was not enough for the BIG TOUGH MAN, and thus he had to resort to beating on a 70 year old woman. I am not a highly skilled fighter,…I wasn’t a boxing champ in school, I did not serve in the military, nor am I a very large fellow….but I will be at the Waffle House later if this thug would like to attempt the same beat down on me as he did to Ms Pat. You see, I got my official training in how to not get hurt while working at the court house, and that training was in “office chair 101”, “book bashing in close quarters” and my favorite,… “Stapler tactics to disable an assailant”. In other worlds I’ll beat your brains out with a garbage can (appropriate for dealing with garbage like you) or turn the broom into an effect night stick (an example of which I saw in the ER one night)…”very instructive”. The lesson for us all is that, once again the world is not Heaven (for there is one already set aside for us elsewhere) and thus this old world we traverse can and will kill us. And if we plan on “running out our string” to its end and not get cut from the herd prematurely we had better be ready to defend ourselves for our friends the police and sheriff will remind you that they can’t sit in your driveway or office all day. Presently our Sociopath-in-Chief is gearing up to open the flood gates to illegal aliens to fill our country even though there are rules against it. It seems that the rules that he swore to uphold are no longer applicable to him and his cadre of criminals. Now some have suggested that he be impeached but I say to the current Congress, “grow a pair, stand up to this punk and cut up his credit card”! In other words, start running this country without him and move on…so he doesn’t have a platform to whine about his treatment. I say, when he leaves office let Congress make him the first “X” to get his salary and benefits rescinded…that would put the fear of God in the next 100 or so Presidents wouldn’t it? And, it would give Mr. O a place in the history books that no one else has. Get well soon Pat. I’ll see y’all on the off ramp
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 14:16:05 +0000

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