This morning something special is on my heart. Those who feel - TopicsExpress


This morning something special is on my heart. Those who feel rejection. It can come in so many ways: friendship, home life, work….. But some feel rejection by our LORD. This is what is on my heart as I pray, because our LORD does NOT reject us – it is we who reject Him. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:1-2. God’s rejection is a lie from hell to make His children run from Him rather than to Him. He is our strength in time of need: When we are at our weakest point – He comes along side us and shares the burden with us. He is our comfort when we are hurting: He is God with us when we feel alone in our grief, and He is our JOY in all situations. LORD we come before You this day to speak in behalf of those who do not yet know You. Those who don’t understand Your ways and have no knowledge of Your love, mercy, forgiveness and grace. The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray of, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will. Romans 8:26 – 27 Draw these loved ones to You this day. Make Your Love known to them. We ask this in the wonderful name of Your Son Jesus Who died so that the least of these who are Your children may live. There is not one of us reading this prayer this day who don’t need You in our lives precious LORD. In our hearts we pray for all those who are sick. There are too many Father to even count or name but You know each and every one by heart. You know their needs and the needs of those who love them. Even more You know our needs and Father it always comes back to You! You are who we need to complete our lives. You are the one Who heals our soul as well as our body. You alone LORD. We lift up praise for the release of Sergeant Tahmooressi’s release after 214 days of imprisonment in Mexico. We pray for his family who have been so diligent working for his return. We pray for all our military as they stand in the gap for us both here and abroad so that we are safe. Praise for the escape from Iran of Pastor Saaed’s mother.. We continue to pray for him as he endures imprisonment and for his wife and children who are in continual prayer for his safety. We must continue to pray for each other. We are family – friends closer than a brother or sister. We are family by choice and we are bound together by our faith. Praying our Father’s protection over each who read this prayer – for hearts to be mended, bodies healed and for forgiveness to abound. In all that we have and do – let it be for the glory of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ and In His Name. Amen To our God be the glory!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 14:44:04 +0000

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