This morning started out with a bang - literally! Rolling over, I - TopicsExpress


This morning started out with a bang - literally! Rolling over, I flung myself out of bed....only to discover I was already at the edge of the bed. Oops! The first body part that made contact with a hard surface was the side of my face which slammed into the sharp edge on a low nightside table with enough force to pretty much put my opposite ear into my shoulder. Then the rest of me finished its pole vault to the floor. (Our bed is up higher than normal.) My tongue busily checked to see if I had any teeth remaining on the right side of my head and relaxed once it discovered that everyone was present and accounted for. Now, this is where the no oil, whole food, plant-based diet must come in. I know that it has a significant effect on reducing inflammation. I thoroughly expected to be running around today with a bruise across my cheek that would look like I had been hit with a lead pipe. But, after the first 15 minutes, there was nothing. In fact, I had forgotten about it until I caught sight of myself in a mirror later and there was no sign that I had tried to destroy the furniture with my face. I know I have a head as hard as concrete but even I will bruise with a hard bang but not today. I am crediting this food protocol for saving me from myself. Now, I just have to decide how I will begin tomorrow!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 02:23:59 +0000

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