This morning, when I responded to a man that was hardcore into - TopicsExpress


This morning, when I responded to a man that was hardcore into thinking that the GOD of the Bible wasnt real, and that Aliens were our creators, and that time travel was not a mere theoretical possibility, but an established perfected reality, that which is harnessed and controlled and utilized by the United States military industrial corporate complex, that is in league with Aliens; I then felt led to leave him a short message, that turned out once I was finished, to be anything but that. And, I think I may have went overboard and off the deep end!! :) LOL :) And know, I feel like sharing my response with you all that may read this... Dear Sir; I seriously doubt that I alone and with a mere brief typed message, will cause you to truly believe and legitimately understand the truths of the Bible and the truth that the GOD of the Bible, of the universe, of Heaven; is real and true, and that He is good and just and loving and kind, and that anyone can know for certain, that without a doubt, or any type of reservation whatsoever, to where one can know that they know, that they know. Im not necessarily trying to convert you or to convince you of just how real He truly is; yet I do long for you and the entire world to understand, know and trust Him, as LORD. You obviously have years of learning and understanding and indoctrination into and towards and of and by another path and direction altogether, that is, I assume, the antithesis of true divine understanding, wisdom and knowledge; that would be alot to unlearn or dismiss and strong in the natural to have too penetrate through, to where the Holy Spirit of GOD alone, coupled with a basic knowledge of the elementary principles of Christian Bible doctrine relevant to salvation; would be your greatest and quite frankly, your only, chance and way and path, to legitimate righteous redemption. But nevertheless, I do want you to know and understand the Truth and to trust the security and sufficiency and satisfaction, sucess, joy, peace and perpetual sanctification that is a divine consistent trademark hallmark byproduct and fruit that has since the beginning, been an undeniable result thereof: but thats neither here nor there but potentially and hopefully, everywhere, let alone and this being my thoughts and my case; I will briefly proclaim and submit this to your open-minded consideration, and respectfully of course... GOD is real, and Dear Sir, He longs to reveal Himself to you and likewise, to reveal Himself faithful and consistent to you; that you may live and not ultimately die; and that you may begin to have an experience life, and life more abundantly; that you may realize and know peace, true peace, that surpasses and supersedes all human understanding, by and through the Prince of Peace. True Christianity, I bid you to know, is the absolute antithesis of Christianized false-religions; and if you merely sincerely even would but dare to want to know if its not just a truth, but if its the Truth; you Dear Sir, can indeed know, if you would just begin to humble yourself and truly unreservedly ask your Creator to powerfully reveal it all to you, in all its epic vastness and at times its seeming absurd preposterous nonsense that makes no sense; to way past the rubicon of doubt and innocent common ignorance, that you would and will, not only believe, but so and that, you can most certainly and definitely and completely absolutely know!!! True Christianity, is NOT based on frail religious mental ascent, that is a figment of ones imagination and fears, hopes, insecurities, dreams and ones pride; but rather its textual actual factual, tangible, and legitimate, interactive, systematically progressive and never oppressive or regressive, and beneficial and deep and complex yet fair and simple; and the author thereof, the originator and manufacturer and initiator thereof; has a honest track record since the beginning; of untold multitudes that He has justly forgiven, powerfully and radically changed for the better and that He has phenomenally, marvelously, wonderfully, and even astonishingly overwhelmingly always mercifully and faithfully consistently; BLESSED, EMPOWERED, RESTORED, HEALED, PROTECTED, EXALTED AND UNDENIABLY TRANSFORMED!!!! When one truly knows Him and is empowered and transformed and made free and whole by Him; the fruit and evidence on a personal intimate level of His validity, His actuality, His legitimacy, His authenticity; its undeniable and knowable, factual, obvious and super naturally logical...When one is truly, non-religiously SAVED, a new creation, with their names written down in Heaven, in the Lambs Book of Life; BEAUTIFULLY, AMAZINGLY, SUPER-NATURALLY, AND CONSISTENTLY; He sovereignly and powerfully and in many ways indescribably, reveals Himself to you, and you truly know Him, and are called and redeemed by Him, and He consistently interacts with you and faithfully answers prayers and gives you serene detailed visions and dreams, and when you consistently feel His awesome presence, and when He ever progressively and increasingly gives you raw divine understanding and wisdom and knowledge and reveals THE truth to you along with personal intimate messages and words directly to your spirit, your mind and your very soul, that at times are even incredibly audible, and even when He interacts and communicates with you answering your concerns or questions immediately; all this and so much more that I imperfectly fail to mention; as well as having His almighty power literally heal you physically of all manner of illness and injuries!!! And when one even witnesses and experiences the cunning, dreadful, diabolical and terrible, power of the unseen Evil Ones of the spirit realm of evil and darkness (Fallen, evil rebel Angels and the vast horde of Demon spirits that steal, kill and destroy), and at times even see them in the physical natural as well as having them speak to you and that are always opposing you; to where good and evil is truly known, way past the point of debate or speculation. When I time and time again all throughout my 17 years of knowing Him, watch His almighty power work and move through countless other lives, transforming them into way morally and ethically and physically better more whole people; let alone when His Holy Spirits power literally makes one free from every manner of vice and addiction and degenerate perverted proclivity, and when you witness how He has always preserved His covenant people (The true Hebrew Jewish Israelites) regardless of the relentless colossal onslaught of major world empires, powers and dominions. When one comes to understand and see His power having mightily blessed great kingdoms and empire and nations and at times regardless of the evil within them (That He certainly doesnt overlook or ignore)! And when He faithfully fulfills Biblical prophecy and when He reveals His written word to you, and when He lifts the scales off your eyes and truly opens them, to where amazing and awe inspiring understanding of all creation can truly begin, again, as well, when He consistently and mercifully, answers prayer, and does so often exactly what you asked; THEN YOU KNOW HIM, AND NOT MERELY (Or religiously) OF HIM!! IT GETS WAY PAST JUST DREAMING, OR WONDERING OR HOPING, TO WHERE THE REALIZATION OF HIM AND JUST HOW ACTUAL AND TRUE AND LEGITIMATE, HE TRULY IS: HE CANT BE DENIED!!! As well, as when I personally asked Him into my heart and life, and repented of my original sin-debt that I owed Him, and truly wanted to be right with Him; at that very original salvation moment, His Spirit I powerfully indescribably literally actually felt as His Holy Spirit entered my physical body, and He saved me, and from that day forward, He has ever faithfully and consistently, revealed Himself to me. The creator and the master of everything, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, He is real and His truth can literally be known!!! As well, please understand that Roman Catholicism, is a evil cursed abomination in the eyes of and in the mind of GOD. Its a diabolical and terrible, religion (True Christianity, is NOT a religion, but rather a true and lawfull relationship with GOD through His Son, the LORD Jesus Christ), that is a grave and dreadful perversion of Christianity, thats sick and perverted to its core, and whos doctrines are a antithesis of all the truth within the Bible; and its a long sharp powerful sword and hammer of the great beast, the red dragon, the locust, the owl, that is the crowned shining serpent of old, that is legitimately, lawfully and temporarily, the god of this present evil world, Satan, the Devil. And its the core scapegoat of the Global Roman Reich of Antichrist, that has robbed, destroyed, maimed, murdered and disrespected, denigrated and annihilated and completely devoured; more innocent human lives and more true Bible believing Christians and true Hebrew Jewish Israelites, as well as more kingdoms, nations, monarchies and tribes, than any other power, dominion, organisation, group or cabal or institution on the whole of the face of this planet that is Earth!!!!! ROMAN CATHOLICISM, IS SUPREMELY AND EXTREMELY, EVIL; MOSTLY BECAUSE IT EVER SEEKS TO MOCK AND USURP GOD AND HIS WORD; AND BECAUSE IT DECEIVES AND DELUDES THE WHOLE OF MANKIND AND ULTIMATELY CAUSES ITS ADHERENTS TO BE ETERNALLY SEPERATED FROM GOD IN HELL, HAVING LOST THEIR SOULS!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 05:43:14 +0000

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