This mornings Psalm prayer time. I cannot recommend lectio - TopicsExpress


This mornings Psalm prayer time. I cannot recommend lectio continua enough when it comes to the Psalms. Day 19, May 19, 2014. (Pss 93-97). We have moved into Book IV with a bang this morning. I am overwhelmed with the exuberant joy that flows from these Psalms as they declare the faith of the Gathered People that Yahweh is King. Enter in! Let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD who made us, for he is our God, we the people he shepherds, the flock in his care (95.6-7). It is Good News. It is the Gospel that Jesus even points to. Clothed in majesty, our King even draws praise from sea and the trees! Why is it such good news? Because all the pain, all the suffering, all the wrongs, all the oppression, all the evil, all the Sin is answered in the declaration that Yahweh is King. As King the Lord dispenses the false gods, the pretentious, pompous enemies of the poor. Israel finally realizes its Priestly role in these Kingdom Psalms as well by leading the nations in the worship of the Great King. The non-Israelite is, breathtakingly, invited into the temple itself. Ascribe to the LORD, you families of nations, ascribe to the LORD glory and might; ascribe to the LORD the glory due to his name. Bring an offering and ENTER HIS COURTS; in holy attire worship the LORD; before him, all the earth. Declare among the nations, The LORD is King (96.7-10). The Kingdom of God is not so concerned with institutional structure (elders, deacons, etc) as with justice and equity in the human family. The earth is established because Yahweh is King. Creation sings because Yahweh is King. The Poor are cared for because Yahweh is King. The People of God are rescued and saved because Yahweh is King. Eschatology is shot through these Kingdom Psalms. As we live FOR the kingdom and suffer FOR the kingdom in the Present we anticipate the Future when Gods sends his Messiah and He will judge the world with justice and peoples by his faithfulness (96.13). In the meantime we worship him for his marvelous deeds and on behalf of the all creation. Shalom.
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 17:33:32 +0000

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